we would be one

So last night I saw FIX: the story of an addicted city, a documentary about the drug problems downtown in Vancouver. (Lord, do we have drug problems. Hundreds of people die of overdoses every year there. It's brutal and tragic.) Wow, what an eye-opener. Holy crap. I wish I could magically make everyone who is eligible to vote in the upcoming city election watch this. Whoah. Definitely not the feel-good hit of the summer.

Here I would like to stand up and clap for the outgoing mayor. I don't like his political party, he's been kind of a ditherer for a lot of his time in office, but man, on drug issues: he followed his heart and pushed his super drug plan - focusing on harm reduction and getting help for addicts and treating it as a health problem instead of trying to legislate it away which doesn't work - against the will of his own party, even though it cost him the next election. (They booted him out of the party and are running someone more conservative next time.) He brought the drug problem to the front page, has made it a major election issue, and god willing his plan will get implemented by whoever's in office next. You have a good heart, Mayor Owen, and I'm proud to live in your city.

I wish he were running for council. I'd vote for him, totally. Since he's not, I'm gonna vote COPE, them shifty lefty greeny types. I love me some COPE.


I'm sleepy and grumpy! I am looking for any excuse to skip going to the gym and to skip doing my laundry and to skip studying for tomorrow's financial exam and instead sleep and play super mario 2. But I haven't been to the gym in weeks, I HAVE to study or I'll end up having to take this exam again, and I have no underwear. Sigh! It's so HARD to be a princess.

Tomorrow's lab will involve working with a partner, which I'm not thrilled about. I'm a major control freak. I'm trying not to think about it, especially because dude, what a dumb thing to be cranky about. Working with someone for 3 whole hours, gee, life's tough pumpkin.

Mmm, pumpkin pie.

And a hug. I want a hug. Boy keeps working late! Wah! Then I'm all sleepy and cranky when he DOES get home. It's a viscous cycle. Or vicious anyway, and not viscous enough? Ew, I'll stop here.

La la la!

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