
Thinking again of getting a mac. An ibook. I also covet an ipod, but that's a little too spendy. Not that an ibook isn't. I'm just out of debt! I say. Look at my fabulous positive bank balance! I say. Time to plunk down $2000 on a new computer! I say. Uh.. what? Run that one by me again, head?

Now, I pretty much just need a computer with a word processor, a printer, a text editor, an ethernet card, and a browser. Aha, you may think. She HAS such a computer, except for the word processor. A copy of a word processor, even if added to the cost of a more reliable printer, is SLIGHTLY LESS expensive than the cost of a new laptop. Since you know, I'd have to buy a copy of a WP and a new printer ANYWAY if I bought a laptop.

Mostly I'm just terrified of upgrading my current computer. All these links to my past - my BBS, my ansi art, my cute oldschool games - need obsolete win95 to open at all. Win95 is the LEAST obsolete os that will deal with them. I will have to part with them eventually, or anyway convert them to something static. Convert the ansi to jpgs. Get rid of the last skeleton of my bbs. Wait for starcon to be ported to win32, which is in the works I hear. Who knew DOS of all things would get me so nostalgic, would be the key to years of my life? There is no ansi creation program I can use if I give up win95. But I draw ansi.. okay once in the last two years, and it was a small piece. 1999 I drew the piece I thought of as my last. My last ansi. Because ansi is dead. It's a ridiculous medium. It's like being a sound editor who works only with wax cylinders.

But ohh, I want to put it off. Maybe I can scrounge an old copy of word somewhere that'll run on win95 with less than 13758932754 megs of ram.

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moving sale, one day only! - 2003-11-24
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