the angels sang, the shepards sang, the something something la, his something, something, some! Okay well the melody is lovely.

Oy, what a long long weekend!

I've been to the gym like every day since I joined. I love it. Which is good, since the rainy season has finally arrived and it's way not fun to run outside at the moment. I've been doing my new weight routine every day too, and ohhhh I have the sore to prove it. Either I'm getting totally pumped up, or causing myself a serious long-term injury.

I mailed off x-presspost my application to write the PCAT. That's in january. I'll have to study the biology a lot, since I won't have done my second course by then and it's been a year and half since I took term 1. And chemistry a bit, since the test seems to cover some topics my courses haven't, although maybe we'll get to them in the next month of this course. I also solicited mom-advice on my structured r�sum� and personal statements. I just have to write them and get up the nerve to ask my referees for reference letters now and I can mail in my application. Then write the pcat in january, and request a transcript in april. And wait for a call about an interview.

This is all so CLOSE! I get all nervous and giddy and scared and excited when I think about it. I've been working towards this for 2 years now and here, here it is.

I went to see The Cinch on friday. They rock hard! They went on so late, though, and they were the opening band. I need to see them again when I'm not so sleepy so I can dance, dance, dance the night away. Instead I leaned back on the couch we were sitting on and bobbed my time in time, which is only dancing if you're a quadriplegic. Do you want to go for a walk, walk, walk! Maybe once a week, once a week and never again. Whee.

Last night was like a big compost fest. We have so, so many fruit flies that our irritation finally overcame our laziness. I got out my compost book and looked up fruit flies. I put a layer of leaves over the compost to make the worms happier and discourage the fruit flies, who don't like to burrow. I found out that the dozen oranges I had put in last month were killing my worms, which is why I could only find like a dozen of them. Ack! I put on some rubber gloves and removed the dozen oranges. Ew. They were getting mouldy but the worms hadn't touched them, unlike everything else in there. Or maybe the worms who touched them just died. Apparently there's some substance in citrus fruits that kills worms if present in large enough quantity. D'oh! Hopefully my little worms will recover soon. Anyway, the section on fruit flies had two more tips: 1. build a fruit fly trap out of a plastic bag, a yellow plastic container, and some apple cider vinegar. I did that, feeling very macguyver let me tell you, and this morning I saw 6 flies inside it. Ha! Take that, fruit fly menace! 2. when totally overrun by fruit flies, suck them up with a vacuum. Boy was very taken with that idea and gleefully went around sucking up the mutant giant fruit flies. Or vinegar flies, apparently. Vinegar flies have red eyes, fruit flies have green eyes. I mean, I think they're both just variants of drosophilia, but whatever. I don't think he reduced the population by much, but it was at least somewhat cathartic.

I'm serious about the "mutant giant fruit fly" part, man. We had some tiny wee fruit flies to begin with, but then the flies that came out of the compost bin were THREE TIMES AS LARGE. And they keep getting bigger, like I say one with a body like, 7 millimetres long last night, which is frickin' huge for a fruit fly. I was afraid he'd eat me.

We finally got rid of the tank, otherwise known as the enormous microwave that was in the apartment when I moved in. Yay. Its ominous woodgrain form, looming oppressively on the horizon, has departed at last. Gloria! Gloria!

We are still talking about buying a place. Boy, who brought it up in the first place, seems quite sure about it. This has kind of thrown me for a loop, given how long it took him to decide to finally move in with me. Now after 6 months he wants to buy a house with me. Heh. I guess once he decided it was working, that was that... anyway, we went looking at places this weekend - not to buy yet, but to get an idea of what's out there and what the price range is. We can totally afford to do this: yay! And my parents have out of the blue offered some downpayment assistance for me so I can put in as much as boy, so like.. wow, cool. Hee, I bet buying a place in the spring will be a good way to distract me from my pharmacy application angst.

And now! it is time for us all to play a round of Sex Fantasy Camp! Read the rules at Morganzola's diary. Hee hee.

Here's mine, I expect yours on my desk by tomorrow.

Monday: John Cusack
alternate: Ewan McGregor
He's the cutest thing on wheels as long as I can keep from thinking about the pillow book.

Tuesday: Luke Wilson
So. Hot.
alternate: Owen Wilson
So. Funny. Maybe this will help him get over the fact that he's second string for his brother. But I mean, what celebrity would pass up a hot date with me, a random mousy secretary? I want to add "from mars" here, but that's just not true.

Wednesday: Alan Rickman
I cannot resist his powers of evil.
alternate: Sean Connery
A friend of mine was telling me that the james bond character meets all criteria for "psychopath" they learned in her sociology class. Heh.

Thursday: Kevin Kline
I would normally take a pass on kevin kline, but he once played the pirate king in the pirates of penzance, which man, sets him up with me for life. Rrrr.
alternate: Harrison Ford
Han Solo. You know it.

Friday: Cory McAbee
This is the front-man and evil mastermind of the billy nayer show. The man plays an autoharp in a rock and roll band. And a ukelele. Ohh people, hold me back. Wait, don't.
alternate: Nardwuar the Human Serviette
Sweaty, yes. Hairy, yes. Did I mention sweaty and hairy? The man takes it up a sweaty, hairy notch from anyone you've ever met. Also: insane. And he still lives with his mom. But oh, can he rock out. I mean, he got like a brain aneurysm from rocking too hard.

Saturday: Colin Firth
Mr. Darcy. Need I say more?
alternate: Ralph Fiennes
Can I have both?

Sunday: Sir Ian McKellan
Now he's gay, so we'd have to play scrabble or something, but man. Or charades. I bet he could successfully act out "welsh" and "the crimean war," he's brilliant. Last weekend he was doing a one-man play here to raise money for our local civic theatre, which is so, so kind.
alternate: Patrick Stewart
He's not gay, but honestly I think I might still rather play scrabble. But anyway, he's also all with the shakespeare and the one-man plays.

This concludes the Too Much Information! portion of our show.

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I've got a disease, I'm addicted to cheese - 2003-11-20
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