and I would be the one to hold you down kiss you so hard <-- THAT is the creepy stalker song, man. forget this other crap.

Whoah, school's almost over. 3 more classes, one midterm, one lab. This semester is going so fast.

I took a step class last night that totally kicked my ass. The last one I went to made me feel clumsy and lame, and also barely got my heart rate up. This one made me feel even clumsier and lamer, but left me gasping. Whee! Have to go back for more, because despite being repetitive movement for an hour to shitty music, it's still way, way less boring than the treadmill.

And it's kind of nice to be so set. Like, a set amount of time at a relatively set intensity, you just go do it. It's a nice break from running and all the numbers running can have. What speed am I going, is it better than last time, how far have I run today, how far this week, blah blah blah. I love to run but it's really easy to just add it on to the pile of Tasks I train my retarded you-must-overachieve-or-you-have-failed ray gun on. Heh, man, I should have bought a zap-o-raygun instead. That would be so much more useful.

Today after missing the first bus the second bus itself went missing so I was fantastically late. No messages or anything as usual. I'm finding it really hard to get back to being fabulously punctual, which irks me. But like, there are no consequences to being late other than me feeling like a noodlehead.

Oh how inane am I feeling today? Very! Very inane! Yes! blah blah blah. Did I mention what I had for lunch, what colour pants I'm wearing, and how I felt about the new box of staples I have? Because I'm sure you care.

(I can't remember, grey, and deeply, deeply sad. The unrelenting melancholy of the staples overwhelms me with anguish. A tragedy.)

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