Sugar sugar, doo doo doo doo doo doo, ohhh hyperactive doo doo .. wait..

My day was going very slowly - three or four times I did a double-take at the time because it could NOT still be the morning. But I just got a package exchange package that I thought was lost in the mail, and whee! Christmas is here at my desk! I have a whole bag of candy corn to myself and I'm going to make myself sick. Hmm. Maybe I should share.

Also: silicone is the work of the devil and I am in love. My new silicone baking sheet says "-58�F to 900�F" Wow. I'm not too clear on what that is in Celsius, but I know it's more or less "way colder and way hotter than I will ever need, even including my soldering iron" But it looks like freakin' plastic wrap. Science: it's what's for breakfast. Whee!

AND swedish fish. A ha ha. Okay, definitely need to share this candy before I hurt myself.

edited to say: -50�C and +432ish�C. Holy man. Definitely made by the elves, you know.

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