one two, cha cha cha -- okay, cha-chaing is an anagram of "chain gang." I love the cryptic crossword. wait, no it's not, but chain gang is in cha-chaing anglophones, maybe that was it.

I am so ravenous all day long this week. I think it's because I have planned my meals this week to use up everything in the fridge; I want to eat all of it at once because it all sounds pretty good. Or maybe just because I am a busy little bee. I lifted weights yesterday for the first time in weeks; but soon I will be She-Ra again. Not that my muscles have atrophied or anything; I can still give a piggyback to my 250 lb friends to my undying amusement. (I think they're getting bored of it, though.)

School! Hurray! I can understand both my new teachers' accents, which is excellent. The math department particularly seems to have a lot of people with either strong accents or speech impediments for some reason. They're almost all excellent, patient teachers who totally know their stuff and have a passion for teaching and math, but ohh, the unclear speech is such a barrier. My new biology instructor is a bit nuts in a good way; I think it must be a requirement of the bio department. He described the dissections we'll be doing as "nice and juicy." Hee!

Okay, the dissections, here's some crazy stuff: we will be dissecting animals who were used for lab testing at the university, and then after we dissect them we sew them up and they go to a bird sanctuary to be food for injured birds of prey. It's some kind of crazy animal recycling program, I love it! We also have one lab where they give us a free pass to the aquarium and tell us to go check it out some weekend. I LOVE biology labs. I love chem lab too, but it's so uptight compared to bio. I mean, as it might well be, chemistry is a very finicky experimental science; and microbiology will be the same, and it is a very very fascinating and appealing kind of finickiness. But biology lab for a survey class is a total garden of wonder.

I finally got my ticket in the mail for the PCAT this saturday. They cut it pretty fine, I see it was only mailed Dec 31, regular USPS/Canada Post from minnesota. Oh well, I have it now. I have not been studying my human biology review book as much as I might, but whatever. If there's one thing I do well, it's standardized aptitude tests. I can't find it in me to be worried about it much other than random "crap, I will totally sleep in and miss it or the bus will be late or something" anxiety. Honestly everything seems so anticlimactic now that I finally asked for a reference letter. A bunch of my friends are applying for grad school right now and also going through crazy application anxiety; it's like some kind of bizarre torture ritual for prospective academics. Hee.

I have a big crush on semi-colons lately; I don't know why. I'm not even sure I'm using them correctly, but pfft. Maybe it's a subconscious reaction to the new presence in my life of things like Hi-Lo Cardio Blast and Step Lite; the gym is full of cheerful misspellings, or maybe malspellings you'd call it since it's cheerfully on purpose.

Mizithra: cheese of champions. What can I say.

edited to add: okay, I have some really excellent googles today.
"loss of motor control" + "wobbly"
"radish god"
at least it's not corn.
whee! they must have been looking for me. or bizarre vegetarian recipes.
"ewan macgregor" + "hairy"
Er, I suppose he is.

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the pancakes of blushful Hippocrene had not been entirely filling - 2003-11-14
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