sleepwalking zommmmbies la la la la

SO not getting any work done. La la la. I look at forms and my eyes cross. I have not, praise god, had to enter any orders today. My cubicle-mate has ordered pizza. I am torn between wanting to eat a slice and wanting to throw-up because of the smell. Hee, this is the weirdest nausea ever, it's downright mean! One hour until school. Math will be hazy but then I can have a little nap before Bio, and then Bio will be both hazy AND crazy, which is kind of so bad it's good, if you know what I mean. I don't know if I'll go to choir. My throat is sore and I'm sleepy. But ooh, choir.

Do I sound like a hazy lazy daisy? O yes. That is me. La! I have leah abramson's "sweepwalking zombies" stuck in my head. I was about to say "alas! I cannot look up the lyrics on the internet because Evil Egg Star Records is not YET a major superpower", but actually her web site totally has the lyrics and I can tell that this part:

Sleepwalking zombies with some fuel and a flame/Like to go drinking with a can of propane

is the part that's totally stuck in my head. also, which I forgot, you can even listen to it right here if you have a sound card. Which I don't at the moment but thank god, I'd probably be absentmindedly playing, I don't know, the soundtrack to 80s neo-citran ads or something, cranked to 11, while someone was meeeting with clients. Okay obviously not, but I feel pretty fanciful. I think the forecast is good for fever dreams tonight judging by my waking pronouncements.

Next up: spending the rest of the day talking like I'm a character in lord of the rings. Curse you, jrr tolkien. Ever were your words a foe of my speech, ever have they pursued my forward tongue! Uhhhh. Yeah. I think I will take miss hermia's advice and have some mint tea at school. I have some sleepytime tea here, but I have the feeling it will magically turn me in to a sleepwalking zombie, maybe with my eyes in your hands and perhaps some piles of money stored in old tin cans. If you follow me. Ehh? Ehh? Say no more?

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