oh aren't I prolific today.

It's kind of funny how quickly how god, an enormous angst-filled topic a few weeks ago, has dropped out of my mind in favour of exams and chores. At church on sunday I was filled with affection for my congregation. With the new minister the church has been packed full every sunday, which is so nice! And he is a bit of a rabble rouser. When there is a peace march in town, you can bet he will mention it several times every service. Anyway. Sitting there I think: if there is a god who disdains the good hearts and actions of this crowd, I want no truck with it. I think that remains my biggest problem with revealed religion: the revelations are over and obscure. Even if I come to accept them as true, how can I accept that most of the people I love, who I know as good people worthy of love, will not? I can't.

..and that's that. I can't, so now it is time to move on. Though maybe I will take some more metaphysics in university. I am looking forward to a full-time courseload, where there is leisure to take some electives without having to weigh whether it's an important enough study to warrant staying up late and neglecting home and friend and health etc. etc., because it won't. Being a student will be my job. Yay for the society that grants me the freedom to do that!

There is a new radio station at work. Men Without Hats is playing right now! God bless you, radio station changer!

We are starting to mention the possibility of war with iraq, and the effect that could have on the market, when we discuss market outlook with clients. I hate it. I hate it. sick and tired of your damn war/and we don�t wanna fight no more

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