yes it's our bread we're fighting for but we fight for roses too

I'm going to talk about veins and stuff, so if that grosses you out, wait until you're done your sandwich.

ha, well, so much for studying on saturday. Oh well, I'll do my assignment while I do laundry today after choir.

I hate my stupid wussy veins and/or head! Seriously like half the time I go to give blood I don't finish the donation. This time they kept the pressure on for a long time while they were searching for my woontsy hidy vein and my hand was getting all tingly by the time they found it. Then when they took pressure off I just about fainted, and that's the end of that donation. Last time the needle stung all the way through so they stopped it midway. Another time I also almost fainted. The first time I went in I totally almost fainted and was seeing things, but that was just after they poked me with the lancet so that doesn't count. I /have/ had a few normal donations, anyway, but man, I think only like 2 or 3 out of 6.

At least my iron levels were good. Sank like a stone. Everyone always takes one look at me and thinks I'm anaemic, so it's nice to have regular proof that I'm not. My mom even thought I was anaemic when I was talking to her today. "You went to give BLOOD? But you're ANAEMIC!" No, no, no, they don't let you give blood if you're anaemic.

I am an eating machine. Yesterday I ate so much gross stuff. I had a hot dog and perogies for breakfast, then after giving blood we went out to an indian buffet, and then last night boy and I ordered chinese food for six theoretically so we could have it in our lunches all next week, but ha ha let's see if it actually lasts that long.

2 weeks down. 12 to go. School, ol' buddy, ol' pal, I could totally punch you out. Actually school's fine, it just makes me want to quit work right now so that I have time to enjoy it. But uh.. the whole "need money to pay for food, also school, not to mention buying house" thing.. yeah, about that...

I saw "Mary's Wedding" on friday, about a world war I soldier and his girl back home. He dies, of course, and then on the eve of her wedding to someone else she is trying to come to terms with her grief and regrets. It was annoyingly sappy and the characters were poorly developed and the lead had an annoying fake english accent and I cried like a baby. Of course.

Ho ho ho, I'd better have breakfast before my ride shows up.

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