many days have you lingered around my cabin door

Small happy physical things: Flossing my teeth. Cracking my knees. The moment just after I have given up and decided to scratch an itch, but before I realize what a bad idea it is. Curdling up and falling asleep when you are almost but not quite well-rested enough. (yes, curdling! that is like cuddling, only at the point where if anyone tried to wake you up you would be EXTREMELY SOUR to them.)

I want to go for a run, but that is after getting more sleep on the priority list, and sleep has been getting short shrift lately. I think I went to the gym once last week, but I've decided that will be okay for this semester. I am Not Worrying About It. Wistfully looking forward to the end of the semester, yes. Deciding this is making things be less stressful, though. I have a bit of time to relax or study between classes and I don't lug my gym bag around all day only to opt out out of tiredness and then feel guilty later. I will need my study hour today to study biology which I didn't do on the weekend. But I did finish my math assignment! Yay for me but now I need to do practice questions because that assignment took me SO long and taking SO long is no good for a midterm.

Yuck, I'm already sick of this chinese food. What a dumb idea. Oh well, at least it's cheaper than the gross, gross food at the cafeteria at school that I'd otherwise spend my money on. Regret level: about the same.

I too have signed up for swappingtons. I just made an offer on "a wind in the door", with bonus fingerprints on it. Whee! I can get used books in the mail! I am just waiting for someone to make an offer on my crappy stuff, but seriously _I_ don't want this stuff, so you know, I understand if other people don't either.

I am reading this book now, and it's super. I am refilled with enthusiasm, not that I go very long between my periods of super enthusiasm for pharmacy. (I have to wait until July! But July gets closer every day.) Like ooh, poison control, wouldn't that be interesting? Or ooh, a hospital, that would be awesome. Or ooh! Pediatric research! Or ooh, plain ol' community pharmacy sounds wonderful too. I could make goofy displays on posterboard about allergy relief and help people quit smoking.

I finished rereading the lord of the rings again. I am finding a curious phenomenon after watching the movies. The parts I liked about the movies are interwoven with my reading - I can hear Ian McKellan's voice as Gandalf, eg, and see Bilbo as Ian Holm, and Eowyn now totally has freckles - but the parts I didn't are not - Legolas does NOT sound like a surfer and Merry does NOT sound cranky all the time. And some parts are changed: Elrond has no wrinkles and has grey eyes, but is still glaring at everyone all the time like Hugo Weaving does. A new problem arises: when I get to Return of the King, a lot of the new images suddenly stop short. Like, Aragorn on the throne is very, very scruffy looking at the moment, and I am looking forward to the third movie to help me sort that one out.

I thought I might be annoyed at having my original impressions of the characters usurped, but I'm not. It turns out I had very few visual ideas about any of the characters or places at all, just ideas about the hobbit voices and what the tunes of the songs are. Now the book is a much more vivid visual place, although I'm sure that's partly too because I've read it 7 times and have absorbed more and more details of the descriptions.

ohhh, curse you greasy chinese food.

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