sim shalom, sim shalom

Man, I could study biology all day long. So. Cool. Unfortunately I kind of NEED to study biology all day long. I hate this quiz scheme where he tells us what WEEK the quiz is but not what DAY. I mean, actually it's a really brilliant scheme - before class yesterday 90% of the class was reviewing their notes in the hallway, which otherwise they would not be doing. But it's a big pain in the ass for me, since studying during the week means losing sleep or studying through lunch & dinner. Bleah. Oh well, I'll suck it up as long as he doesn't do the same with the exam. First lab today! I am a bit stressed because I haven't had time to do the prep yet, but whatever, the first lab always involves a lot of waiting around to get your picture taken etc. I am secretly hoping we get the same lab demonstrator I had two years ago, he was so nice.

Yesterday's lecture touched on why peeing on your foot can treat athlete's foot. It's like the freakin' home remedy hour in this class. Next we'll be making poultices out of ballpoint pen ink or something. Friday I'm going to a random outside lecture on a trip to a tropical island my instructor is doing. He has this excited, rambling lecturing style which will totally make for a fascinating talk, I bet. If not, well, the biology department is providing snacks, so hah.

Meanwhile, math instructor gets more and more strange and flaky. He cut class short by 10 minutes because "This room.. this room is too hot. I cannot take it any more! I cannot take any more of this!" Oookay. His explanations still drive me a bit nuts, but if that forces me to read the textbook, well, damn, I should do that anyway. He announced he will make future assignments shorter than this one was and I had to totally restrain myself from complaining about it. I love long assignments, because they force me to do work. I totally appreciate them for the hand-holding favour they are. However, I do not wish to be glared in to a pile of ashes by my fellow students, so I kept my trap shut.

Damnit, I need a new purse! Now both straps have broken off, so I have a clutch purse now, as in, I must clutch it tightly or it will land on the ground. Maybe I'll get one of those wee fun-fur purses I always thought were too small and pocketless before. I realize now that pocketless and small = me not carrying 8 pounds of extra cruft around with me.

Last night I went to a friend's house to eat bread. She is a baking fiend lately and amazed us with her crazy stuffed-braided-onion bread. Mmm, normally I hate onions, but I ate a whole slice. We played silly games, one of which involved me trying to guess what item I was trying to sell to people based on the questions they asked me. "Banana hook" and "heated toilet seat." Hmmm. We also played Eat Poop You Cat, which is always silly.

On the way home I passed a low-rider muscle car with a huge sound system that was blasting out the beats. Only, it was actually playing some kind of jazzy music with what sounded like a wurlitzer and a barking dog track. Wahaha, it's like, "If Weird Al Had A Muscle Car..."

I am maybe going to do a baby triathlon this july with my friend! Now I HAVE to take some swimming lessons. Although this is such a beginner triathlon that they have a shallow end you can walk along if you don't like swimming, hee. The other parts of the course are described as "easy" and "pancake flat," and you're only allowed to participate if it's your first triathlon ever. Sign me up.

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moving sale, one day only! - 2003-11-24
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