rainbow brite, washing the clouds away.. wait, that's sesame street. I know there was a rainbow brite themesong, but what was it? Oh hazy memories of the 80s, don't let me down...

So yesterday I caved and bought the lord of the rings dvd. The widescreen actually looks fine on my baby tv, although close-up shots make people look a bit thin. However now that I've discovered the zoom button, no one will be able to watch a dvd in peace at my house anymore. We sat and made gandalf's face go all mtv by zooming in really fast and then zooming out. It just needed like an orchestra hit or something and it would be perfect.

I also got two exercise videos and have forbidden boy from watching me do them unless he can keep a straight face. Hopefully this won't prevent ME from doing them, since despite briddy's advice I got a denise austin one. I haven't watched it yet, but dude, she's like a meta-cheerleader. A super-saturated cheerleader. A ridiculous bundle of crack in a bathing suit. You know. I also got "pilates for dummies," which everyone on digs seems to like. Pilates always makes me hurt, but maybe I'm doing it wrong. Or maybe wrong is right and hurt is good and stop me here before I become the evil sidekick from the care bears movie.

So is it just me, or would rainbow brite have been better without any plot? All the little expeditions in to brown bad-guy land were so visually boring and unpleasant, and seriously her super power is colouring so it's not like there's much of a plot to begin with. They should just have had shows that involved running around rainbow-land at top speed. There would be a great video aftermarket among ravers, I think.

Ohhh, need to go work but it's so easy to just nod off. Time for some coffee.

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