humans wrote the bible; god wrote the rock

196 days left in this job. Less than 200! Powers of ten are so exciting, you know. In base 197, I have a single digit number of days left. Creating interesting characters to represent all those digits may well occupy me until september. 67 instructional hours left in this semester! That sounds better than 8 weeks. Although really, 7: there's two days off this week for reading break and the last week is a half week really. But then plus the final. But then minus the fake lab where we actually go to the city aquarium, and minus the absent lab in the last week. La la la.

Let us now devote our psychic powers to make the math guy have had marked the exams last night, the bastard. More likely: now that he's announced they won't be marked until monday, he will put off marking them until sunday. I wish he and biology man could trade marking styles. There's no suspense for me about biology marks whether he takes one day or twenty to mark them, but I'm deadly curious about math, which totally is taking forever. Yeargh!

I am going to write out my last personal statement now. Then everything is all ready except the last letter. My referee is pregnant and has gone home for bed-rest (ack! poor mite.), so that might be a few weeks.

So hungry. Stop. Desert island. Stop. Please send chocolate. Stop.

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