Oh yeah, all right! Are going to be in my .. something..? tonight

I feel kind of shifty about not knowing the words to everything on Abbey Road. It's like, my sworn duty as an Abbey.

I am SO hyperactive!!! I was just in the washroom, and finding myself alone in front of a mirror I started doing faky ninja moves and making up a karate-yam themesong. Doo doo doo. Someone came in and I pretended I was adjusting my shirt.

Reason: I skipped choir practice and got ten hours of sleep last night. YAY! That was a brilliant fucking idea, I am telling you.

I hope it doesn't start raining. Because then I can go for a two hour walk with boy's mum, since there's no class today. Seriously, the way I am twitching right now, it would be a public service to the people of british columbia if I went on a nice long walk that tired me out a bit.

I want to lift weights again! I am reluctant to add something new to my schedule which is already insanely busy, but ooh. Reading the krista krush!!! page again is making me want to do squats. I can barely give boy a piggyback these days, it's embarassing.

I can't wait until work is over too, I can go make and mail a package. I love going to the post office. It's got the same bizarre sort of "crown-corporation-staffed-by-surly-noodlebrains-but-involving-lots-of-interesting-paper-regalia" appeal that the transit corp has going for it too. For me.

Celery and goat cheese: Hmm. It's just not the same as cheeze whiz.

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moving sale, one day only! - 2003-11-24
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I've got a disease, I'm addicted to cheese - 2003-11-20
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the pancakes of blushful Hippocrene had not been entirely filling - 2003-11-14
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