name unnamed hidden and strange

Oohhh sleepysleepy. School is over so soon! I have not done a lick of studying all weekend, but ugh, whatever. It's so late in the semester that I almost can't hurt myself very much by slacking off. But I'll study more, I will. Tomorrow is the last day before boss is back; I should be able to do some math. Then I'll have to squeeze in what I can on the weekend, between rehearsals and concerts and shit. Tuesday is my lab exam, but no worries, I can just review that on the bus. Thursday an assignment is due, but it's almost done. Wednesday, probably? I have a quiz in biology. But heh, biology. I'm all caught up to middle last week for rewriting notes, so that'll just take an hour. Then I just need to do as much math as I can before next wednesday, the 9th, which is the final. And then, oh wow! No more of this math course. Other than fretting about my grade. But after talking with him I'm convinced again that he won't be a jerk about it. I don't know what I'll get, but worst case a B I guess, so that's okay. Not the end of the world. And then a whole WEEK until my bio final. Though actually I wouldn't mind if it was the next day, like, because I'll just do extra studying I don't need. I would have to seriously gibble the lab exam and the final somehow to not get an A+ in that class.

I am babbling so much! It's sleepy time.

SO! We've been househunting. Today we saw TWO places that were AWESOME. And the one we both like better is the one that is $80,000 cheaper. SCORE! But boy is, I don't know, nervous, so on tuesday we're going to see two more places in the area. And then damnit unless they're even fabulouser, I'm gonna stare at him until we make an offer on this place. It's great! It's a bit far from the most convenient buses, but heh, for $80,000 difference we can walk 6 blocks. It's new, like 4 years old, wheelchair accessible, it has a gas range and laundry and freaking skylights and it's near groceries and there's storage and the rooms are big and eeee!

Anyway. And a PONY.

Choir is kind of grating lately. The tenors are singing more and more offkey, and it has various people freaked out / angry / whatever. This morning at the service our last chord in our piece sounded AWFUL, and how depressing. Concert in two weeks. Huh. I'm sure it will all come together, but being around upset people is stressful. And this week there's all kinds of extra rehearsals when I should really be studying. Whatever. One week. I'll go to them, and I'll study too, and I'll be ass-tired but it's all over soon.

I'm so tired. The semester is over so soon. Zzz.

Okay, chewy sprees? I think the catholic church doesn't recognize them. There's just something so.. wrong. And squeeze and lick liquid lollipop? Ewww! But I can't stop eating it. Damn you american candy! Damn you!

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