plus: now it's sunny out. sweet!

I think today I'm going to take the skytrain to the top of a hill and run downhill all the way home. That is seriously the only way my wussy little body can handle four miles today. Sigh. I just have to keep telling myself my fitness will come back soon. I remember 2 or 3 years ago when I started trying to run for the first times and 5 minutes at 4-5 mph was a total achievement for me. So I should not be too pissed that I can barely keep up that speed for 30 minutes now, I am still coming out ahead. But MAN is it ever better to be able to run easily for an hour. Soon soon soon. I signed up to do a half-marathon with dad in June, so it better come back, anyhow. Heh.

I've just figured out that if I jigger things just right with student loans and my new low(er) interest line of credit, I can pay for my school without borrowing from the boy at all. This is surprisingly relieving; it puts off all sorts of complicated money issues until graduation. Hoo-ray.

I was looking at the PharmD program today and holy SHIT is it expensive. But then they have fellowships and things, and they suggest at least a year of experience after a BSc., so I could do a paying hospital residency first to pay off some of the ol' loans before plunging back in. Hmm! I hadn't even really given it much thought before, but all the advice from the harried pharmacists I've talked to or had relayed to me is: if you wanna post-doc degree, do it RIGHT AWAY or you'll never get around to it. Well anyway, I have a few years to mull it over. And it has a few years to get more expensive, heh, but Hobson's choice on that one.

The more I read this book from the hospital pharmacist's association, the more I'm keen on working in clinical pharmacy in a hospital. Dude, dude, dude. Well, or in a clinically oriented community pharmacy. Or a DIC or a poison control. Or in research. Or parenteral home care. Or um, okay I just want to be a pharmacist. 3 months until interviews! Oh I SO can't wait.

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