I will never hurt you, I will always help you

Goddamn I hate paypal! So much for my supergold impulse buy. I think I can still do it from home, but seriously if I had moved house and changed my email address I would be unable to use paypal until I got a new credit card, which is retarded. There's secure and then there's obstructive. I think amazon should get in to the paypal business. As far as amazon is concerned, anyone who also has brown hair may use my credit card if they want to. Mental note: carefully check visa statements.

I needn't have worried about the ceremony being too short, it's looking to be about 20 minutes now that the chaplain has talk us through it. I'm starting to feel nervous about the whole affair: being sincere and unsarcastic for 20 minutes at a stretch is a lot for me. I am attempting to sublimate my anxiety in to wondering whether afterwards we should drag people out somewhere or just make eggs benny at home. Tra la.

Magic Number10
PersonalityA Worrier, I Worry That I Worry Too Much
TemperamentAngry - At Everthing
SexualJust Say No
Likely To WinTime Off For Good Behaviour
Me - In A WordDevious
Brought to you by MemeJack

well, it succesfully divined one of my colours, but I don't know about this 10 business.

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moving sale, one day only! - 2003-11-24
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