stick shifts and safety belts bucket seats have all got to go

I heart stitch'n'bitch, man. I finished the superhero cape I owe that church lady! I've been putting that off for too long. I also learned to freakin' crochet! When I'm done my eight million other crafty projects, I think I will make a soft blanket like My Blankie that mum crocheted for me in utero.

Er, when I was in utero, not her. That would have been tricky, yo.

Anyway I'd asked her several times to show me how but she always said I should ask granny banana (anna. anna "banana" gadsby.) to show me, even after granny died. Hmm. Anyway, my friend-in-a-jar showed me how last night so now I am on cloud nine. I also learned some excellent new knitting tidbits from a book she brought over - how to fix slipped stitches, cooler ways to increase and decrease stitches, and how to pick up stitches which I'll need if I ever get around to finishing this sweater. Yay! And my zinnia-friend both fixed my bobbin (literally. I'm not sure what the figurative meaning might be, but I feel there should be one.) and changed the tension somehow so that everything is sewed more securely. I suspect that might have been an accident, but it's awesome.

Anyway: I am SO all about the stitch'n'bitching.

Tonight I see Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter again, which is extremely awesome and features lesbians, vampires, fightin' atheists, and el santo.

Google confidential:

"care be" - it's care bears lite!

"notary bitch" - next week on Hot Hot Boring Professional Mud Wrestling, Notary Bitch vs. Bikini Pharmacist!

"corn + cheese + speech" - I'm glad they're finally speaking. It makes me cry to see them fight.

"starcon 2" game - yes, as opposed to the movie?

Marshmallow Fluff vancouver - I love how I got this hit completely independent of the discussion on digs of marshmallow fluff's regional availability. Also, I want marshmallow fluff right now. That is all.

zinnia-friend - 2003-06-24 22:58:09
Damn, if only I were as good a sewer (sewer? ew!) as I am a sewing-machine maintenance person. I blame communism.
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