for a minute there I lost myself I lost mysellllllf

I am so sick, tra la la la. Well, if you measure degree of sickness by amount of annoyed moaning. Fever! Sore throat! Coughing! Phlegm! Headache! Chills! It's fun for the whole family. Although since boy had it too and has recovered in 2ish days I'm looking forward to a quick end to it. I looked up fever and flu in the BC Health guide which told me it was normal for symptoms to last up to ten days and I about fainted. I'm terribly suggestible.

I am living on bacon and ice cream almost exclusively, as my flu seems to be allergic to vegetables. I think about eating vegetables and promptly lose my apetite, or think how maybe instead I'd like to curl up in bed with them since they'll be nice and refrigerated. Well that sounds sordid, doesn't it.

I hope I haven't given it anyone.

breana - 2003-06-26 12:30:58
Aww nooooooo! Feel better!
52 - 2003-06-26 13:21:03
I probably gave it to you; I had evil allergies + evil flu-like symptoms for all of last week. Sorry. But you know, the bacon might have something to do with it. I'd recommend salads.
Malachai - 2003-06-26 14:16:29
I'd suggest chicken soup, which is not a vegetable, and less artery-clogging than pig or ice scream. And feel better or I'll have to come over and make you a bacon and ice cream pie.
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