death pi�ata

Book is in the bag! Hooray. My parents are totally braindead after all that nonsense. Dad is in his office staring blankly at the tour de france website. Hee.

After a fruitful planimafying session yesterday over pho, I have posted the meet announcement for the tab anniversary meet. Tabnet is TEN freaking years old this year. WHOAH. I have been on tab for 8.5 of them. Holy CRAP.

When I was planning I almost didn't remember that I'm getting married the day before and was all about to have people over for a big meal I would cook, like I did in a previous year. Only heh, I will obviously NOT have time the day before to be cooking. Doo doo doo.

3 days until my pharmacy interview. Wow! The first ones are today, probably starting in 10 minutes. Everything is so close. In 2 weeks I will KNOW if I'm in. I mean, I have a pretty good idea now, like, I would have to seriously bomb the interview to not get in, I got 99th percentile on the pcat and my marks are excellent &c. &c. But in two weeks I'll KNOW. Wow. Wow. Wow.

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this next position is called the keelhaul! arrr!

Okay I just figured out how to make my million: I will hire Johnny Depp and some fitness instructions and film "Pilates of the Caribbean." Then I will open a chain of pirate-themed fitness clubs. What I lose on the free eyepatches I'll make up with the savings on not having to provide showers. (Pirates don't bathe! Arrr!)


Jeanne - 2003-07-10 18:29:03
Pilates of the Caribbean. HA! I would so go to that if you and Johnny Depp were teaching it. Even though I am terrible at Pilates.
breana - 2003-07-10 18:49:18
I am so tharrrrrr...
amanda - 2003-07-10 19:06:05
I think of you every time I open internet explorer because there is one of their stupid advertisement shortcuts for Pirates of the Carribean...thing is, all it says is PIRATES! next to a tiny skull and crossbones. What a thrilling thing to have next to my favorites shortcut.
Amanda - 2003-07-10 19:06:51
And I am the only English teacher ever who can't spell. But arrrrrrrrr matey! It's because Pirates don't spell!
Michelle - 2003-07-11 01:17:51
I have that pirate icon too! I think this is your best idea ever. Exercise suddenly sounds appealing.
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SOOOOOOOOPER proofreader!

Book frenzy! My parents are operating at 150% of normal speed and I feel like I have to replay everything they say in my head slowed down to understand it. I have been speed researching and speed editing and speed physically-threatening-Word-until-it-behaves and speed rewriting and speed conforming-to-style-guide all morning. Everything has to be done before they go on vacation tomorrow night. Tra la la!

It's turning out pretty good, though. Makes me want to hit the streets and rant to strangers about fair trade. Although.. no.

I am developing a mad scheme whereby I bike to school 3 days a week next term. I think I am basing this idea on the assumption that the weather will be the same as today for the next year and also that it will continue to be light until 8pm every day. Because.. no. Still, maybe for september. I am suspicious that translink has massively underestimated the effect the UPass will have on ridership and buses will be way overcrowded. I'm reading the 176 page campus transit plan report, which goes in to how they guessed ridership will increase by 30%, but then the same report notes how ridership from 97 to now was projected to increase by 20% but actually increased by 50%. Students are broke, hey! And those that aren't broke are probably CHEAP, and will now be forced to pay $20 a month for U-Pass -> hellooooo overloaded bus system. Anyway. Maybe I will try biking to UBC on saturday for my swim date. Or maybe that's RETARDED, since I'll be tired for swimming which already tires me out a lot.

Doo doo doo. Back to editrixing.

yam - 2003-07-10 14:22:44
mental note, don't forget hyphen in "U-Pass", or it says "up ASS".
breana - 2003-07-10 17:16:29
You say a lot of scary things, but the scariest thing you have ever said might be, "I'm reading the 176 page campus transit plan report." Ha!
matt - 2003-07-11 00:12:17
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hello fleshy bag of mostly water

library I love you! I have a UBC library card now and also a sore back from carrying home 8 or 9 nerdy pharmacy books. FREE pharmacy books. Well I have to give them back in 2 weeks, but you know, I can read them without first ponying up $100 each. Tra la!

I also love the public library which today taught me the backstroke. Front crawl: enh, not so much. However on saturday my friend the library employee is going to show me some good swimmin'. Basically libraries: it's what's for breakfast today.

I swam 300 whole meters today, slowly, which totally exhausted me. I've never had my heart race so fast in a pool in my life, but then I don't remember the last time I did anything in a pool other than play with pool noodles and kickboards in the shallow end, so there's that. I also swallowed several litres of pool water, inhaled another litre, and have a cup of souvenir water in my ears right now. I need goggles pronto. And a nose clip. And earplugs. Man, I didn't even know there WAS such a thing as a nose clip until I read this child's picture book about swimming. It's a brilliant plan and makes me feel much better about reading a picture book on the bus.

Now that I have a student card, I can swim for free free free after work. I see a lot of me in the slow lane this summer.

persephone - 2003-07-09 22:47:37
the backstroke!!! i am so jealous. i can't swim for... i just can't swim. i can do the front crawl for three strokes but then i have to stop altogether to breathe. breathing AND swimming, no. never got the hang of that. maybe i need to take out your picture book. will you share?
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pull me out of the aircrash

Today I am reading about the Better Banana Project. I thought I would let you know so that you too can say "Better Banana Project" out loud.

Damnit! Today I was going to go swimming at the mysterious pool near my house, but I see that it's closed all of today for a water polo tournament. How odd! Well, I mean I guess it's not as random as I feel like it is, since you know, Water Polo, it's not like it's going to be held at the library or something. You just so seldom hear about water polo. If you're me. I had a friend in highschool who was a water polo champ. She was going to go off to an american university since it was the only one on the continent that offered water polo scholarships.

Well anyway. Maybe I'll go swim at ubc and get my library card. I got a children's book out of the library about how to swim, so hopefully I will be able to figure out front crawl today.

amanda - 2003-07-10 13:13:36
the Mysterious Pool? Is that like the Mysterious Chop Shop and All Night Disco near your old apartment?
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and fade out/immerse yourself in love

Yay camping!!! I just reserved one night at Alice Lake in august, and before that we are going backpacking for 2 nights at Diamond Head. YES! I haven't been there in.. 8 years. Whoah. And that was in winter. This is going to be awesome.

I ended registering for UBC anyway, making random guesses about things. I have a nice little alternative schedule full of delicious math and english plus such chem and bi as I am allowed to register for. It will be /almost/ disappointing to have to cancel it if I get in to pharmacy - biblical and classical foundations of literature! mathematical proof! linear algebra! but uh, only not, because YAY PHARMACY. I am hoping that pharmacy will let me take STAT200 (with integration!) instead of 203 (not for credit in the faculty of science). Seriously, I couldn't register for STAT203 today because I'm currently listed as a science major. How come pharmacy, a field so full of statistics where pharmacists are called on to critically read and interpret stats in matters of life, death and health, requires the wussy stats course? Hmm. Well anyway, I have a seat in the science stats course and I hope I can keep it.

Excellent side benefit: on friday I will now be able to get my library card, so I can go to the biomedical library and take out all their cool pharmacy books.

Interview in 6 days! EEEE! God, I'm having the best summer ever. Part time work, crafting, camping, new house, getting married, preparing for pharmacy, gorgeous weather, fabulous books. I must have a horseshoe up my butt.

gretchen - 2003-07-09 08:53:19
Damn those horseshoes! When money falls from the sky into your lap, THEN you know you have had Horseshoe AUgmentation.
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happy birthday mr. president

So the strata council AGM was tonight. The plan was both joe and I would go and he would physically restrain me from joining council. But I scheduled a stitch'n'bitch for the same time, so he kindly volunteered to attend the boring AGM and bring me back the papers for my files.

Anyway long story short: he is now the vice-president of the strata council. Bwahhahahahahaha. I find this so, so hilarious. Apparently there was a big crazy pissy vote session and the current council almost all quit and some old lady nominated him and he didn't have the heart to say no. Heh. Well, it'll be an adventure.


Cheap fabric is the best fabric. Yay! Poorly-thought-out quilt here I come!

mrputter - 2003-07-08 05:12:06
> he is now the vice-president of the strata council. Wow. That's so funnyawesomemessedup. Hee hee... the screwy (?) part is that he'll probably make a pretty good one.
catnipqueen - 2003-07-08 23:28:09
Yam, I love your diary! I laugh out loud every time I read it.
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you are in a maze of twisty little passages all alike

Ack, UBC's web registration is fantastically confusing. The course schedule appears to shift and waver at random. The 1st year pharmacy schedule was posted and then removed, and many of the blocked off sections appear to conflict with each other and with other non-pharmacy required courses. Tra la! I was going to register in the non-pharmacy courses tomorrow, so that I can go get my library card, but I am so thoroughly confused now that I tihnk I'll just wait until I (hopefully) am accepted in pharmacy and have leave to register in the standard timetable, presumably with instructions in how to make sense of the rest of the course schedule. Although looking at the advice for last year's students, it seems to be mostly "register for the standard, ignore the apparent conflicts, and then hope, pray and waitlist for the other courses." Oh, it'll be an adventure.

breana - 2003-07-07 17:22:10
Burninating the brac-kets. Burninating the comment field. Burninating the diary-Trogdor!
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avoiding copy-editing in 3 easy diaryland-related steps

After reading an OSC summary of how to properly hyphenate adverbial phrases and their friends, I am now thoroughly confused and overusing them at every turn. For instance, I wanted to say OSC-summary, which is silly. The talk-test of "would you say them as one word?" to tell if you should write forinstance backyard or back yard is of no use for me since I talk so quickly there's not much difference.


My parents are in a book frenzy. My mum and others are writing a big book about shareholder action / social leaders / la la la, and the deadline is in 5 days. The majority of the book will have been written in the 2 weeks before deadline and right now is a massive effort to meet the required word count.

Hah, I needn't wonder where I got my procrastinatory tendencies. Now that I realize that my parents are the same way I was in highschool I'm amazed I've actually pushed through to better study habits. Last minute writing! Cramming for exams! Maybe it's just all about priorities. They do a hell of a lot of other stuff between the last-minute items.

I am getting to snootily comment on how well the chapters flow. I think criticism is a special talent of mine; in another life I could be a bitchy editrix. I tihnk it's probably for the best that I'm going in for a profession where I give non-judgemental advice: that's the part of me that needs developing. Assertiveness and forming opinions has never been my weak point.


Owing to one of my used sci-fi binges, I am now reading all manner of new-to-me Heinlein books, relics from the 60s that read more like curmudgeonly fantastic travelogues than sci-fi proper or the sexy-diary-of-immortal-redhead genre that his last half-dozen books embraced. It's sort of an odd transition phase, the missing link between the Future History stories and those later books. I think I prefer the juveniles - asexual space hijinks and earnest slide-rule calculations are more interesting (in a boyscout kind of way) than the crusty patter of a dirty old man, even so keen a commentator as Heinlein. Tra la. Anyway, the novelty is fun; I had thought I'd read all the heinlein there was to be had. The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress is still my Favouritest Ever, but after 6 or 7 readings it's not nearly so filling.

breana - 2003-07-07 13:40:25
Oh! Ohohohohohohohoh!!!!! You have to see this! It was on top this morning, but you might have to scroll down. You will know what I am talking about the minute you see it.
breana - 2003-07-07 13:41:51
It's not showing the link. You need the link, which is defectiveyetiDOTcom and I don't know why I don't see the link.
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so long frank lloyd wright

Hoy it's odd to be at work today! It's interrupting my perma-vacation. The combination of summer and part-time hours is turning me in a manic sun-worshipping reveller. Or a sleepy hammock-lier, anyway. I've decided I need a hammock, yesterday, and also a space warp to provide room on the patio for one. In keeping with my crafty mien of late I will probably weave one out of scraps of thread and recycled newspaper.

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hee hee, the fruitfly avenger. hee.

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"whoah like, reality is like, deeeeeep,man." god I sound like a moron today.

I have a dorky children's song about love stuck in my head; anyway the line that's really stuck is "and if there's a piper, we can pay" and I think that's maybe the cornerstone idea of my current theology: I'm willing to accept the eventual consequences of living a reasonable life. If I am wrong wrong wrong and rack up some eternal torment, I'll take it with a stiff upper lip and not let fear of it drive me to hedge my bets in ridiculous ways.

well, a corner of my theology, the part that takes care of my paranoid tendencies. the part that wonders what to do about god on the joyful side is still kind of ticking things over. I think I'm more or less at the deist point right now: I believe there was a god at some point, or some equivalent creative force la la la. Present now: who knows. Does it matter in a practical way? Probably not. But anyway. Creation is fucking WONDERFUL, and I sometimes feel like expressing it in a way other than just enjoying my life. I'm not sure why. Would the supreme It care one way or another if I say "I don't know if you're listening, but hot damn, the amazing things I experience by being alive and the love in my life is a supreme testament to the fabulous side effects of whatever the hell you did." Probably not (you know, it's fun to say "probably" in situations where actually it is impossible to assign probability. har.) but since it's a fairly irrational urge anyway prehaps there's no point in attacking it with rational criticism.

as long as I keep it to myself, anyway. acknowledging the impossibility of answering the most fundamental questions is no excuse for behaving like a lunatic and pleading god.

la la, I'm rambling. maybe I should go back to my former stance: sidestep god entirely and settle on the basic issue: why does ANYTHING exist at all, god if present included? (a) I don't know and I see how it is IMPOSSIBLE for my mind to frame a meaningful answer; (b) obviously things DO exist; (c) therefore: whoah. something cool and utterly beyond me is at play. This is about as satisfying and avoids the perilous G-word that makes so many people cringe as if you've been picking your nose in public.

Fuck, why DOES anything exist? Are there other creatures in the universe capable of appreciating how fucked up the entirety of existence is? Dude.

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jesus blood never failed me yet/failed me yet

Names are awkward here. I don't want to talk with full names since all my friends are on the internet and maybe they don't want to be talked about in a place where strangers (or worse, non-strangers!) could google their names. On the other hand, initials or an elaborate pseudonym system makes me crack up when I read it in other diaries. I am too lazy to password protect my diary. Maybe I should just make up superhero names for everyone. I am thinking about this because I almost started a sentence with "Boy's brother and his girlfriend.." and paused, because (a) how awkward is that; (b) it's kind of bizarre that I frame everyone in terms of their relationship to me THROUGH MY BOYFRIEND, ACK; (c) boy's brother's girlfriend is my friend completely independent of her relationship with boy's brother. Actually and (d), I met boy's brother before I met boy, so maybe I should do this in reverse: call boy "friend Q's brother." Except for how that would be RETARDED.

Oh, I'm thinking about this too hard.

So! Super Ben (oh THERE'S a subtle pseudonym. ha ha.) and Inspector Exposition are off on a camping trip. I am struck with jealous itchy feet. Ew, that's a bad mental image. Anyway. I totally want to go camping or on a road trip now. The last time I went camping with The Fruitfly Avenger

hahaha, okay, I totally can't use superhero names for boy. I'll have to stop to crack up for 5 minutes every time I try to type The Fruitfly Avenger. When he wakes up I'm just going to ask permission to say Joe. "Oops."

Anyway, the last time I went camping with Joe it was kind of a disaster. The campsite was next to train tracks where freight trains went by all night. I forgot our foamies - crossed 'em off my list and left them in the hallway at home. Sleeping on bare gravel was very uncomfortable. Also I spent all my time reading and ignoring him. Uh. Anyway, we went home a day early. (We got to flag down a train! That was cool.) I thought that ruled out camping forever until last night we were talking and he said dude! road trips are fun. camping is cool. Well he didn't say "dude!" but I like to pretend.

So anyway the only problem is driving. There is not much camping to be done without driving somewheres and I don't drive and he doesn't want to do all the driving on a hypothetical roadtrip. I had some half-cocked scheme whereby I get a learner's license and drive on the highways out of town - I don't mind highways, man, it's just the city that makes me mental. Only since on top of everything we would be renting a car this is not very feasible.

So great is my camping desire I actually spent an hour this morning reading about graduated licensing and driving lessons and la la la. Maybe it is about time I learned to drive, but huh, maybe not. We don't have a car; I'd never get enough practice. Maybe one day if we get a car. But why would we get a car if only joe can drive. La la la. They'd probably take away my transitgirl license anyway.

Well anyway! Maybe we could take the bus to manning park and wander around. Or rent a car, drive less than one day to a trailhead - garibaldi? diamond head? - and then hike around for a few days. If I could get over the nervousness of leaving a rental car in our name alone for days at a trailhead. Well maybe we could borrow the lundervan. No one sane would steal the lundervan.

I almost went off this morning to get my cartilage pierced again. I've about decided that I'm not going back to canadian blood services - 4 times in a row being rejected for low iron or having to stop the donation short because of some small vein issue, I can take a goddamn hint - and anyway that would remove the reason for my prohibition on piercings/tattoos, worrying about blood donation eligibility.

Almost did. Then I remembered that uh, my pharmacy interview is in a week. This is the WRONG time to get a new prominent piercing and have a stud I can't remove in my ear. This is instead the time to think boring, professional thoughts and dryclean things.

Leah Abramson is still so awesome. Sleepwalking zombies! Blah blah blah! I want to learn how to play her songs. Man, I wish I could buy guitar part books for all the local indie bands I heart, like that they would automagically appear in stores as soon as the album was released, even if it was an album released by burning copies at home and photocopying liner notes. Ward music tragically still does not have sheet music for any Evaporators tunes. Although it would probably be like "play these two power chords over and over and over again for 5 minutes" judging by the one evaporators tune I know how to play.

So playing in our fake band is awesome! After mastering the art of wearing scratchy yellow earplugs I have come to the conclusion that my amp needs to be louder. Bwahaha. Well, it's a very good practice amp and good for playing with acoustic guitars. But maybe I'll start using the huge freaking twin for band practice in order to properly stunt the growth of houseplants.

We can play one song pretty creditably! And two songs uh.. kind of sort of. Our drummer has suggested we make superhero capes mandatory for practices, which may have a racing-stripe effect and make us magically a lot better. I think we need to recruit another guitar player, since my novice guitar playing can't quite simulate 2 or 3 pro guitar players. Ha ha. I wish I could play 2 guitars at once: I really like all the guitar parts in these songs.


hermia - 2003-07-07 10:50:03
fruitfly avenger! that's awesome. Hard to keep super hero names straight, though. I don't know, I'm not clever enough to come up with clever pseudonyms, and I really don't want my diary googled, so that's why I use initials. They confuse me, though, so I wonder how it goes for other people.
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the pancakes of blushful Hippocrene had not been entirely filling - 2003-11-14
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