yatter yatter

Today I have been fantasizing that my interview file was lost and they called me back for another. Only thinking it through, other than being perfectly poised and fabulous the second time through (yeah, right), I wouldn't really say much different. I thought of a couple of better examples for things, but huh, no one comes up with genius answers for unexpected questions. I did fine. My grades are great. My PCAT is the best possible mark. My resume is full of interesting things.

..ten more days to freak out about it! Bleargh!

Anyway. Today is the last day of interviews so starting tomorrow I guess they start going through them and ranking applicants. Maybe they'll be done before ten days is up, maybe I'll find out sooner. (Or later; I hear this year is an all-time high number of applicants.) Or maybe, the paranoia goes, I am not getting a seat and I will only find out by not finding out. Only they'd update the registration website, right? This is such dumb worrying. I should totally like, leave the country for ten days and not try to turn the elapsed time so far in to tea leaves full of bogus meaning. La la la.


Going swimming today. Swimming requires me to think really, really hard just to BREATHE, so I expect it will be a good distraction. I'm still so nervous! I feel hungry for sweets and then queasy when I eat anything. I keep getting out chocolate and then throwing 3/4s of it out. This is such a novel experience; I am an accomplished worrier but it usually restricts itself to crazy thinking, not crazy body things. Though as novel experiences go, it's definitely the "bad romance novel you regret buying at the drugstore" kind.


I saw the prettiest pharmacy last night. Joe cracked up when I said that out loud. It was in trendy trendy yaletown and it was all dark wood everywhere with brass fittings and glass and a sitting area near a door to a next-door clinic. No candy etc., just a dispensary. Anyway, it totally looked like something out of the historical pharmacy painting series one of my pharmacy books has, very old-school. It looks a lot more relaxing to be in than a typical bright-white-fluorescent-light pharmacy. Although it didn't look like there was any public health info or private consulting area or etc., so it may be less cool for patients anyway. Still. When I'm rich and famous maybe I'll design a chain of pharmacies that pay good attention to a relaxing aesthetic. Relaxed pharmacists make fewer mistakes and relaxed patients are more likely to chat about medication issues. So what's with all the flickering lights?


I did find out that the more intense Stats course will be fine. Good.

Bwee - 2003-07-16 16:47:08
So exactly how well did you do on your PCAT? like, top 10 percentile?
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overheard on the bus

Girl: God, I wish I could have afforded more meat. They have raw meat there, man.

Boy: Well, there's always the neighbourhood cats and dogs.

The cats are getting old, though, man, the same thing every night.

Well, I've found that the dogs have more fat on them anyway. So we could freeze the extra.

Good point.

We should get that yappy one upstairs.

That thing is a rat! It would have no meat on it.

True. But she beats it all day so it's been tenderized like forever.

How about the man who runs the convenience store?

Yeah! He's nice and fat. Plus we could stuff him!

I gave him two dollars the other day, I could get it back when we kill him.

We could get some skunks.

Yeah, that's just a quick deep fry.


Hee hee hee. I was sitting next to this couple crocheting and trying my hardest not to crack up. Later she called her dad on her cell phone, and after a boring call about a dinner invitation she asks out of the blue "So, why do cows have three stomachs, dad? Why do they chew their cud?" I almost blurted out "four! they have four!" but apparently her dad said the same thing and they had a long discussion about digestion. Bwahaha.

catnipqueen - 2003-07-16 20:14:30
BWAHAHA! I've heard random things on the bus, but that takes the cake!
p_i - 2003-07-19 05:31:23
"So I went down to California to visit my friend, and I want... 'cause I wasn't getting any of it up here, and I go to visit him, and he lives on fucken Hollywood Boulevard, right? Man, and I get to his apartment so he's got the bottles out and he's, and all of a sudden SCHLUP-LUP-LUP-LUP and this ... tail goes under these crates and (fuck!) I'm like "What the Hell is that, man?!" and it turns out my friend had a fucken eleven-foot- long Komodo Dragon living in his apartment. It was so big... big, you couldn't pick it up, man." "Aren't those an endangered species?" "Yeah, but it could break your arm with its tail."
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baton de colle

So theoretically offers are being made by saturday after next; there are only a dozen more days to freak out. I have been vacillating wildly from my initial impression "Hey, I did okay." to "Oh my god I was such an idiot." I wasn't really an idiot, but augh. I was so nervous that I have no idea what to make of it and my better judgement aside I will not stop going GOBLARGH until I hear.

So! Here goes day 1 of OPERATION DISTRACTION.

Searching for "is it really a problem?" brings up the most interesting results. GREASE: is it really a problem? ALUMINUM: is it really a problem? Well, not for me, you know. "St Theresa of Avila who was no cynic, only an intelligent, practical, down-to-earth saint with a piercing" Ooh, a saintly piercing.

The idea of a vocation from god is so interesting to me. Not that I feel called to a religious vocation by any means, just the idea of a calling in general is interesting. It's so sweet! Maybe there is a calling for me waiting under a rock, like in sam'n'max where there are giant magnets below the earth's surface controlling bizarre behaviour. My general belief that nothing is pre-ordained and that there are too many possibilities for fate to endure is really depressing sometimes.

Crocheting is so fast! It has spoiled me for quilting, which is so slow.

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IT'S OVER!!! I refrained from making a fool of myself, mostly. I talked way too fast but that can't be helped. Maybe it was uh, endearing. I will refrain from describing the questions although I desire greatly to, since I note that some of my co-applicants have found my site on google. Hee! And also because the questions would totally bore everyone.

I almost tripped over my bulging bag of stuff going in to the interview, but in a rare bit of luck did NOT cause my yellow clogs to come tumbling out. Tra la!

Now, to clean up the vomit and diarrhea of my parents' aged cat I am watching while they're on vacation. Ewww. I mean, poor cat, but.. ewww.

breana - 2003-07-15 10:46:56
The loved you. They called me and told me so. La!
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sleepwalking zombies with some fuel and a flame!

If pirates never need luck, why do so many get keelhauled? Well, maybe they just think luck is for pantywaists.

Okay, two weeks ago an actual headline in the news section of the globe&mail: "Eves: Liberal MPs are pantywaists". Joe almost spit milk through his nose, we thought maybe we'd had The Onion delivered to us by mistake.

Well! I am much more awake this morning (well, to be fair I'm in at work an hour and a half later than usual this week so I can work later while boss is away) and I'm having a good hair day. God, I spent my commute today under an umbrella, nervously checking MY HAIR at every opportunity. I am also wearing pantyhose (hose. not waist.), I have a freshly drycleaned suit jacket still in plastic, and a sensible purse. I feel like I'm in drag despite the fact that I've been working at an investment firm for 3 years. Well, I guess working at an investment firm where no one sees me but our hippie clients and my colourblind boss, so dressing to the nines /is/ fairly out of character.

I slept horribly last night in a sort of kid before christmas way. Wake up 4:00, 4:35, 4:58, 5:15, 5:38, 6:02, 6:15, 6:35, 6:47, 6:58, 7:06. Oy! I also have kid before christmas or maybe report cards adrenaline so I'm not about to doze off either. I kept having dreams last night of being interviewed, and after each one I'd think "Ahh, it's over! Yay!" ..and then wake up and realize "Shit, no it's not!" I'm glad I at least don't have to worry about not getting there. I'm downtown now, it's downtown, no bad bus incidents to screw me up.

Blah blah blah interview? Blah blah blah. Interview; interview interview blah. As they say.

amanda - 2003-07-15 12:25:57
I put "pirates don't need luck" into the anagram generator and came up with "A CEDED KIEL PORN STUNT." So apparently, that's what I REALLY meant. Right.
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Today I am weak as a kitten! And 100 times as sleepy. I blame the rain. I hope I feel more energetic tomorrow, or I'll be drinking a lot of coffee before my interview.

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Last night got lost in Brooklyn/we ate alphabet soup

My fuzzy purses are attracting random strangers to me like mad. Fun! Toddlers especially. On friday the toddler I visit now and then was in lurve with Mr. Hedgehog, although she couldn't quite decide whether to hug it or chew its nose off. She paraded around the room with it for ten minutes, which is a really long time for a toddler. I think joe's mum is going to get her a stuffed animal purse for her birthday, she'll die of happiness.

I swam 50m of front crawl today! No drowning! I felt pretty goony at it, though. I can go at a decent clip breaststroke, though, or back crawl, although backstroke is always a bit dodgy since I worry I'll bump in to someone. I saw that happen this morning, a girl had accidentally started off at an angle and not realized it until she hit the lane divider on the wrong side. Oops!

I have goggles now, which rule. The incredible swimming librarianator taught me the Superest Trick Ever to get water out of my ears, which has vastly reduced the agony of swimminating. A drop of rubbing alcohol in your ear makes the surface tension break and the water pours out. Yay! It was great not to feel like I was in a submarine all day.

I am really enjoying swimming. I am still at the stage where I'm so bad at it that every practice brings massive improvement, which is really ego-inflating. I am going to be a slow-ass at the triathlon, but pfft, whatever, my ride'll wait for me. I hope.

I need to get new running shoes. I"ve been using my lack of suitable shoes as an excuse not to run for weeks. I found the running shoe store today, but the branch I used to go to is now a clearance outlet with no shoes in my size. Doh! I'll try a different 'un tomorrow when I go to look in on my parent's elderly (13 years old..? 14?) cat. He is so rickety, he's like a wind-up toy that someone forgot to wind up. It makes me sad when I compare him to joe's parent's 20 year old cat who is still in fine shape. Maybe you just have to be really cranky to last that long.

It's 12:01 so now it's sunday. So my pharmacy interview is technically tomorrow. Holy crap.

catnipqueen - 2003-07-13 16:20:25
Good luck on your interview! All the Digsters will be thinking of you tomorrow!
amanda - 2003-07-14 04:41:10
Good luck! You won't need it..pirates never need luck! Arrr!
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