mischa mischa come along with me now mischa mischa! come along with me

Yay, the bookstore took my Huge Expensive Book I Will Get Free back, although I paid a penalty of 10% for bunging up the cover. But that beats having to accept buy-back prices for it. I promptly spent my ill-gotten gains on completely frivolous book purchases instead of saving them for the extra textbook I'll need for biology. Tra la. I got a moomin book, a book of bad advice from a defensive lesbian stand-up comic, a book about homeschooling, and a book about how to get through nursing school. My reading habits are so random. The book about homeschooling is not a hint that I'm pregnant. I expect it to be completely irrelevent to my life for the indefinite future. The nursing school book is also not a hint that I want to be a nurse. There just aren't any books about pharmacy school, but there are several awesome nursing school books with good general advice for being in a demanding healthcare school with clinical practicums and with a majority female student body. Yo. But I spend a lot of time saying "no, no, I'm not going to nursing school" when I read them in public view.

Swimming lesson today! I am vaguely paranoid that I signed up for the wrong level, but probably not. It says you should be able to do breast stroke, back crawl, and front crawl and I can't crawl, it's of a `sprawl and gasp' really. But then it also says you should be able to swim for 25m and I can swim for a mile if I have some oatmeal first, so I think it will be just fine.

Changing my name is going to be so confusing for the next year. (A) I have to remember I have a different name from the one I've had for the last 23 years, and (B) I have to remember which name to use where. I'm not changing it for school purposes until next year because my student loan app is in my previous name and god help me there's enough retarded paperwork involved there already. But I am changing it on my BCID immediately since I have to get a new one. I haven't decided what to do about bank accounts, since I'm liable to need to deposit cheques for Brooke A and for Brooke L. Both of which I am entitled to use, but only one of which can be the account name at any one time. Oy! I think I'll change my name on the joint account and wait a while for my own account. Hrmm, and a new signature. I just tried it and my handwriting morphed in to a bizarre scrawl. Maybe boy has such untidy handwriting out of despair at having to sign such an unwieldily long name. Except his brother has like, architect handwriting so that's no use. I should just steal his brother's signature, he's also a B. L. Damn, if only I had followed proper elementary school procedure and written Mrs. Brooke L___ with hearts and flowers on my binder 800 times in math class, then I wouldn't be in this mess. Who knew doodling about robots instead would hurt me in the end? Then again the robot doodles came in handy when boy needed robots on his casts.

He's at the hospital right this minute getting new casts (probably.) Hopefully fibreglass so he can stop leaving plaster all over everything, although I must admit that is was fun to realize last night that he was basically a big sidewalk chalk. Extra unrealistic hoping: that he gets a cast that he can get wet. That would make everything so much better. He has been counting the minutes until this appointment since he'd have a chance to wash his arm for the first time in two weeks.

Bike camping this weekend! That'll be awesome. I was so sad when I realized that boy and I wouldn't be able to go backpacking.

malachai - 2003-07-31 15:38:04
please don't steal brother's signature, because then you would be Mrs. Ben L___ and then where would I be?
yam - 2003-07-31 15:43:32
no no, just the B. L___ part. I'll let him keep "en" and he can borrow BL___ on alternate weekends. yesss? okay no.
persephone - 2003-07-31 17:31:59
hmm. why am i not having this problem? i think what i did was changed my account to my new name, and if i get a check in my old name I just sign it "persephone oldname newname" and it seems to be no problem. and maybe also gave them a copy of my marriage certificate? but yeah, you totally can't read my new signature! i think there's a critical period or something. but also because i took a look at lance's signature which basically says "scribble" and decided i was working way too hard.
malachai - 2003-07-31 18:01:55
Well, you're already in my cell phone as B___ L___. Of course, it's listed by first name so your position hasn't changed at all. As long as you're legally changing your name, why not add in your last name as another middle name?
watchstock girl - 2003-08-01 03:07:18
Vancouver's four seasons: Rain, Rain, Rain and Roadwork
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Even atheists believe in ice cream

Ew, I have a bruise from the needle. My arm is so wonky. I better be able to swim tomorrow.

So, we just met with the chaplain again and everything is all set. YAY. I am so relieved that that's done with, and the ceremony isn't going to make me giggle or gag. Plus she took us to get ice cream afterwards == most awesome officiant ever. So. Yay. One more thing to cross off my to-do list. I am feeling a lot more at peace with SCHOOL CRAZY now, even if I do have to take CRAZY HOURS in the fall. Yay for mood swings, I guess.

Fireworks tomorrow! Woot! I already said that, didn't I.

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In which our narrator talks about veins and needles, just to warn you.

Blah, well that sucked. The good news is my iron was great, blood sank like a stone, etc etc, god bless cream of wheat and chicken livers. But ew, oh, my veins suck so bad. It took 25 minutes to get a vein ready - they tried one arm, then the other, la la la, 5 times back and forth. One nurse gave up and another took over. (Which was good actually, because the first nurse was super hesitant about everything, which makes me nervous. The second one was calm and confidant about everything. Mental note: don't be hesitant or frown constantly as a pharmacist.) Finally after playing pressure cuff games for 10 minutes my left arm gave up and presented a vein. Then I had the slowest donation ever. After 20 minutes the bag was only half full. Then my whole forearm went numb. Then the needle started to hurt a lot. Then they had to keep the needle in for another 5 minutes anyway to take the test vials, since the new west nile test can't be taken from the bag, and of course my slow, slow bein made getting the vials super slow. All in all: bleahhhh. Although I did get free timbits. Let's just say I'm milking my "Be nice to me, I gave blood today!" sticker for all it's worth.

Anyway. I don't think I'll go back again. I think this makes it a round 75% of my visits that have some wonky unpleasant thing happen; my veins are just not born donors. Sigh. Sometimes I feel so defective. I'm so jealous of joe's veins; his vein is the width of my pinky finger and the nurses totally salivate over it.

Oh well. Free timbits.


Fireworks tomorrow! Wheeeee.

Bwie - 2003-07-29 23:53:36
I guess this means Joe will have to donate for the both of you, then. Or, to make your mind firmer: Get thee to a piercery, Go!
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gluestick therapy

Blergh, actually make that /nine/ hours in a row on one day. Oh well. I had a big cry about it yesterday and now I've just decided to not worry about it until the pharmacy advisors sort it out. I guess the worst that can happen is I eat a lot of sandwiches in class - at any rate there must be plenty of other pharm students in the same boat as me and likely in all the same classes. Oy.

Instead I am devoting my pharmaceutical energy in to joining umpty ump pharmacy associations, many of them for free. Whee! Hopefully I can find my receipt for two of my big fat reference books, as I've just found out I get a copy of one free and I can buy the other for cheaper than the bookstore sells it. Membership hath its etc.

I am so curious to meet my fellow students, mainly to find out if Gregarious Grad Student I met while waiting at the interviews made it in. I hope he did; he sounded like the kind of guy that would wake everyone up in class. Heh.

I am also playing collage. I have made 3.5 of my 4 pages for the anniversary zine and it's too much fun. I read through about 300 old messages, which seem to divide uniformly in to two categories: "Hah, that seems so silly now" and "Oh fuck, I forgot about that. (wobble)", this latter category being composed mostly of asking out, breaking up, and watching friends fight. Tra la. Anyway I gave up on that (how to choose? the good stuff is too touchy anyway.) and decided to go almost entirely for unannotated pictures & drawings & photocopies. I did find an old message where woody predicted I would one day be the tab lady, sitting on a park bench yattering on to strangers about tab days gone by. Heh. Doh.

Yesterday I swam a kilometer! Swimming kicks the pants out of running.

Giving blood today. Soon I will find out if all that gross cream of wheat did me any good at all.

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I just found out I have to take yet another course for pharmacy, largely duplicating the biology courses I've already taken. ARRRRRRR. I will have two days a week where I have 7 hours of class in a row. (Plus another hour first thing in the morning.) This brings my tuition up to twice what it cost pharmacy students last year. 41 credits. I'm going to go insane.

Malachai - 2003-07-28 19:36:07
I was always under some sort of bizarre impression that the university didn't allow you to take more than 36 credits per winter session. Maybe just a BSc thing.
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we're the band with the rollerskating jams yeah

phooey! boy is really cranky all day long because he's in pain. I am trying to be goodnatured in return, but I find myself going around making thunder noises in my head as I imaginarily send lightning bolts or perhaps really wicked glares his way. mostly his cranky is so ridiculous that I know it's just he is hurting, like getting really, really upset that the milk is all gone. Ohh! Poor boy. Also fast forward me to when he is healed up. Anyway, he is very sweet when his belly is full, so I am plotting to just feed him all day every hour on the hour until he gets his casts off or he turns in to a (cheerful) balloon and rolls away.

Er. Maybe not.

Tomorrow I go swimming! I am obsessed with swimming lately, I want to swim all the time. Today I didn't have time and I devoted a few minutes to frowning and sighing heavily about it. Well not too heavily, since I didn't have time because I was seeing AWESOME PIRATE MOVIE again. Swoon! Oh captain sparrow, your desert island eyeshadow makes me uh.. quiver? in glam rock lust.

yesterday I went to the lantern festival. v. awesome as usual. my rainbow lantern failed to blow out and ticked happily along all night. yay! there was a huge phoenix lantern, a lantern sword in the stone, the excellent clothesline lanterns (this year with starched skivvies made in to latnerns) and a crazy laser lantern. fire is so great, what can I say.

I was just reading some messages I wrote 5 or 7 years ago and I think it's affected my writing tonight. My messages are all really bouncy and bippy and contain fewer commas and whoah. Time has passed and I have changed a lot. I found the "email" (private mail on my bbs, which I and everyone called email which seems so odd to me now) where I asked my fianc� out for the first time. I'm so glad I'm not a teenager anymore, god, I was such a bizarre emotionally stunted clog-wearing noodlehead. I'm also glad he's not a teenager anymore, since he was really really nervous all the time about talking to girls myself included. That's.. changed. Now we are comfortable enough to act like complete morons at home 95% of the time. We used to debate technology & society, now we have conversations like this:

"I want to be a pirate!"
"Look, if I hold the cat upside down he meows!"
"Because piracy would be awesome."
"You know, I bet this picture of cows involved a special chartered airplane."
"Here is my song about pirates. La la la, pirates are great!"
"Because I bet people don't ordinarily airlift cows."
"Is it possible to have a crush on a kitchen implement?"
"You had a crush on a plastic stick-on beard."
"Because if I can't marry you, I am marrying this cleaver."

Yeah. Idiots.

I was looking through old messages to dig up things for the 'zine I'm making for the tab 10 year anniversary. So exciting! I feel a collage of stupid shit coming on. Yes yes yes.

yr humble servant,
hyperactive girl.

breana - 2003-07-28 10:10:56
I saw the movie. I raised a ruckus. I also heart Cpt Jack's glam rock pirate eyeliner. He looks lovely and rumpled and mad in the head.
barbara - 2003-07-28 19:38:51
I went swimming today. EEeeeeee But I need goggles, I am so heinously allergic to chlorine. I think I am going to go swimming tomorrow, too. EeeeeeeeEEEE (That's the hyperactive sound.)
amanda - 2003-07-28 21:37:59
I heart you. That's all.
hermia - 2003-08-04 15:33:27
Heh. I found a bunch of saved e-mails from my junior year of high school two weeks ago when I got my computer running. It was super strange to read myself -- how ditzy and goofy and incredibly hyper I was! How....silly. Also, I have no idea who some of the people I was e-mailing were.
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I am iron man

Yay, all my registration blips are about to be sorted out and I will have all the classes a girl needs. Although after all my harrumphing about Stats for Wusses I am taking it anyway, since Stats for Skyentists conflicts with everything. Doh! I like the Wuss textbook, though, it reminds me of Innumeracy.

The bookstore is starting to get in textbooks. Yesterday I got stats and physiology. I considered signing up for the deal where the bookstore finds all your books for you, delivers them to your house, and also gives you a discount, but I am too keen on having my books immediately to do that. I suspect I'm in for a lot of standing around in line in August.

So obsessed with iron this week. Yesterday I had: cream of wheat, chicken liver, and perogies fried in a cast-iron pan. I bet you could pick me up with a magnet. Right on cue blood services called and I signed up to go in next week. I keep saying I won't go back, because I'm sick of being rejected for low iron and even when I'm not I don't often complete a donation because of my tiny lame veins, but then they send me pictures of little kids with cancer and that's it. Sigh. But seriously if this next time is another traumatic donation I'm going out right after to get a piercing to keep me from going back.

breana - 2003-07-25 12:54:08
Okay, now you have me all psyched about school starting. How do you DO that? You are using your Yam-mind-control aren't you? You're reading my thoughts! You're changing my thoughts! Thanks for that, cuz I was soooo not looking forward to school starting again.
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everything is everything

Although I understand intellectually that the digs article is title "hot food, cool cook," I cannot help but read it as "cool cock" every. single. time.

Back at work and SO unable to concentrate. I mean, fortunately there is so little work for me to do that my procrastination has a very limited effect, but eh. I am so ready to quit right now. 5 more weeks.

Speaking of weeks, I am getting married in 3 weeks. Ack! I am doing a triathlon in 2 weeks. Ack! I am starting school in 5 weeks. Ack! This is all so overwhelming, although totally totally my own damn fault. I feel like I've lost track of something important, like oh no, I left the gas on, also the baby is still in the car, I forgot to register for school, and my pedestrian license is being revoked.

hermia - 2003-07-24 13:37:58
the scavenger hunt. the day. after. your wedding.
yam - 2003-07-24 14:46:44
oh yeah. crap.
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the pancakes of blushful Hippocrene had not been entirely filling - 2003-11-14
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