kompressor crush paul simon

A car just drove by playing paul simon's "i know what i know" very loudly. The bouncy african chorus combined with the doppler effect made it sound like the chipmunks were having an enthusiastic threesome in his back seat. Just saying.

I hate fighting. ARRRRRRR BOY'S WRISTS HEAL NOW. He is twice as fighty as usual because his wrists hurt and he feels helpless. And I am four times as fighty as usual because I am doing his chores and when he gets fighty I get fightier just instinctively. Seriously, if someone on the street said "You CANNOT DO THAT" to me I would probably say "Oh yeah! WATCH ME!" before even finding out if they meant "leap fifty feet! why that's physically impossible" or "lick my crotch" Ew. I am not saying boy is a random drunk guy on the street or that he (or any random drunken pedestrians) has commanded me to lick his crotch, that was just an extreme example not based in reality. Wesley Willis tune maybe, reality no. Anyway. I feel like an ant in a bottle someone is shaking. My weak little heart can't take all this fight/make up/fight/make up shit. I mean, I know intellectually that it's all just random nonsense and I expect it will pass in 3 weeks when the casts come off but ooh! It still /feels/ unpleasant. Blah.

Tomorrow I will go berry picking! Come here nettles, it is your annual chance to sting me in exchange for my getting sweet sweet okay sour sour blackberries. Then on sunday: more berry picking. Then on sunday night: berry crumble. Mmmm. Also 100 little jars of jelly for wedding favours, whee. I can't decide how to do the labels. Printing them would be easier, but the zine has presented me with a temporary hatred of electrical copying devices. Well, boss is on vacation next week, maybe I'll just sit at my desk hand-lettering things. Perhaps on duct tape. Only that sounds terribly fussy.

The zine is done! Yay! It turned out very nice and I was not caught making 2000 copies. Well, the cleaning person saw me, I was there at 7:30 when she made her rounds and I finished finally at ten to ten. We had a little chat. She has never seen anyone in my office before - most of the office starts at 6:30am and everyone is in by 8, so no one sticks around much past 3 or 4 - but she sees all our desk decorations & stuff every day, and our garbage. I can't decide which is more intimate. Anyway I gave her a brief tour. She keeps getting flowers because she is pregnant; he IS a total packrat, yeah!; she is working from home so she never has any trash; he is on a crazy protein diet so he always has the same thing from the foodcourt; that's my desk I have a lot of penpals sending me paper trinkets for my desk. I think maybe I would like being a late-night cleaner. Well, not the cleaning or the being up late and never seeing my friends part, but the lonely desk voyeurism, making up stories to explain the people. Sort of amateur archaeology.

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My yam theorem is valid.

Ahh, creepy McClient finally came to get his cheque while I was not in the office. He did leave an expensive card and a groumet chocolate for me. Erk. Well, he's moving to a farm and his account is empty, so hopefully he was just a little overenthusiastic at charm school. So bizarre.

I am at work 13 hours after I got here this morning, and I have a few more hours of stuff to do. But I'm cheating here: I took a four hour break to go to my swim lesson and I'm about to make almost 2000 non-work-related copies. Shhh.

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rock. rock. rock vibration.

The fireworks last night were awesome! They went with the music and, bizarrely, inspired the surrey highschoolers next to us to watch quietly and clap instead of drinking more and chanting SURREY SURREY. Well, or maybe that was just Wednesday's Super Weeknight Powers.

I have a gameboy now. Well another one, I had one before, but this is the crazy new kind. I foresee my bus commute to ubc for swimming becoming much less sleepy.

The anniversary zine I am making is going to be awesome. I was all afraid that it would be empty and lame, but everyone is coming through with last-minute submissions. Hah, I should have known everything would be last-minute.

I seem to have avoided Creepy Pseudo-client Who Wants To Meet Me. Crossing fingers that he won't just randomly show up any more now that his account is empty. I mean, he sounds benign, but seriously, all I did was a routine transaction on your account. Why are you so obsessed with thanking me in person? I am this cheerful on the phone to everyone, buddy, I don't have a secret crush on you or something.

"Boys in skirts being the purpose of this meet/Let's go to the library and find out which bugs are good to eat!" Bwah! Zine. Will. Rule.

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nagasaki never again

Ugh, the Atkins prosetylizing on SMAO is driving me nuts. "in the short term ... there seems to be no health risks." How do you KNOW! Oh, I see, an article from CBS and the atkins website. BRILLIANT. SIGN ME UP.

Rain rain, go away, at least for my wedding day. Well, shhh, secretly I like the rain. I get to feeling a bit like I've moved off continent when there's no rain. But also please go away by next week.

jeanne - 2003-08-06 11:46:09
but man, I was *shocked* to see that you and h agreed on something in the SMAO thread. shocked, I tell you! you can send the rain here... the plants outside our apartment are looking all withered & sad.
B-ree - 2003-08-06 17:48:01
Where is this SMAO of which you speak?
brooka - 2003-08-06 18:18:38
it's a thread on a non-tab web board I read. tra la.
gretchen - 2003-08-06 21:57:36
Ha! In an email to BG, I used the same phrase, only embedded in the sentence "On another note, Xxxxxx needs to shove her protein diet proseletyzing up her nose, seriously." Anyway. :)
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oh won't you take me to... boring town

Hooray for new pants that fit well and are cheap. Also hooray for cheap new shoes. I am retiring my yellow clogs to the garden immediately. I am so fond of them, but they don't fit and bright yellow doesn't go with anything I own. It turns out that I care about that these days, unlike 8 years ago when I used to wear yellow clogs every day. Hmm!

My new pants are very boring but at least they aren't black. After 3 years I cannot take any more of this mafia suit shit. It's kind of pathetic that I feel like brown is a big revolutionary step, but oh well. (Greschya: Help! I am also in the state of mind where I think having a business card with fruit on it would be so awesome. Maybe a mango, see. Or a card shaped like a lemon. Maybe a lemon that was on fire.) I have the sinking feeling that pharmacy school is going to be 4 years of embracing my inner boringness. Brookabus Bore, World's Biggest Snore...

And now, hooray for running to the bus stop to get to my swimming lesson.

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and you too, hurty toe.

Yay: beautiful islands. riding the ferry and taking a nap on the outer deck in the crazy wind. swimming in the ocean with my friends. riding down a hill so fast that tears are sucked out of my eyes. watching crabs underwater with my goggles. being so tired that ferry food is the most delicious thing ever. petting the friendliest cat ever, who runs towards you purring if you make eye contact. somehow ending up in the middle of 80 8-12 year old jewish girls on their way home from camp on the ferry. I totally wanted to go back and be a camp counsellor for about 10 seconds there. Kids are so great especially at camp.

Boo: stepping on broken glass 3 hours after hitting the island and having every second step thereafter be very painful.

Ow ow ow. I could bike, but biking using only your heel is very inefficient and slow. I came home early this morning after sleeping fitfully. Well, left for home early this morning. Two ferries, two bike rides, and a car trip later I am home this afternoon.

Things that are great about home: my bed! I missed you last night. a shower! running water that doesn't smell like rotting eggs! my toothbrush! my boyfriend! Hydrogen peroxide and gauze pads that aren't soaked in sea water! Also: my bed. Sleepy time.

It was so pretty and 'laxin', though. I'll have to go back some time with steel toe uh.. feet.

Damnit, no triathlon now, unless gimpy mcfooterson here heals up right quick, preferably yesterday. Oh well, I expect the weekend before my wedding I'll find /something/ to do with myself. Heh.

persephone - 2003-08-05 00:09:27
you and i must have some kind of psychic connection we don't know about. or at least our toes. because not ten minutes after reading this i dropped a (cold) iron on mine.
persephone - 2003-08-05 09:46:43
exactly. irons made of marshmallow, shoes made of steel. hope yours feel better too!
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come on kids let's hop in to the station wagon/let's go find the cat/that little kitty's gone and we're out looking/let's go find the cat

Yay, bike trip tomorrow! Boo, staying up late to pack! Actually it's fun but I wish I'd bought a bungie. I haven't been camping in forever.

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bring down the government/they don't, they don't

Yay swimming lessons! Soon I will crawl like a champ, or at least at all.

I have given up on my piercing plans after reading the dress code for pharmacy labs. It doesn't actually mention piercings, but I figure that's the spirit of it - just like finance, people need to feel that they can take you seriously, even if a suit has no correlation with professional probity. And fair enough, if you've trusted me with your health and possibly your life, the least I can do is dress reassuringly. Well. So no piercing, and I think instead of new running shoes I'll get some nice black walking shoes. And some pants. I was going to replace my ratty jeans, but huh, maybe I'll get some more slacks. I only need to dress like a pro one day a week - my 9-hour day! doh. - but I may as well get in the habit and I can't afford a lot of pairs of pants anyway. Only this time I'll get the stain resistant kind because I realize now that wearing black means I will spill yogurt every single time I eat it.

I have found out that if I keenerishly go visiting pharmacies this month I can have some free lab time in october when everyone else does it, thereby removing some 9-hour days from the equation. Excellent.

yam - 2003-08-01 15:13:49
Hah, okay to clarify: I have decided not to get the cartilage piercing in my ear that I was considering. I have zero desire to have hidy piercings because damn, that just sounds like a lifetime of chafing. On the upside, the dress expectations are so conservative that I can get another tattoo pretty much anywhere I want...
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moving sale, one day only! - 2003-11-24
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I've got a disease, I'm addicted to cheese - 2003-11-20
when I think of the time gone by - 2003-11-16
the pancakes of blushful Hippocrene had not been entirely filling - 2003-11-14
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