I did it all for the cookie, the cookie

Ohh, headache. I have a hangover from this weekend, despite consuming no alcohol. Swam 1km yesterday and today, and stayed out until 4am last night at a party, and drank almost no water both days. Now I am ready to admit defeat. Ohhhhh.

My pharmacy visit on friday was great. I SO still want to be a pharmacist. However I will need to get some dress shoes I can stand up in for hours. My feet were so, so sore. I got to see them compound something with a mortar and pestle, which instruments I so covet for some reason. It was a freak occurence, I gather, since there's not THAT much compounding these days. I counted pills for someone. I felt a brief moment of panic when the pharmacist didn't check my work, until I realized "Okay, yes, I can be trusted to count to fucking 60 without advanced training." Heh. The manager was so sweet. And so competent. Until now I'd been convinced that community pharmacy was totally boring pill-counting (okay and well that's all _I_ did, count pills and take notes), but oh man. I could see myself in community pharmacy now. Talking to people all day as an expert, plus constant short fiddly tasks. It's so perfect for me. I'm so rambling incoherently. Time to take my headache to bed.

hermia - 2003-08-25 10:27:59
Aerosoles and Easy Spirit and Naturalizer all make shoes that aren't hideous these days...
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beware the fish

I think I need to go to an orange party. I'm starting to feel like an oppressed orange minority, since orange is never an option when multiple choice tests ask what your favourite colour is.

You represent... insanity.
You represent... insanity. What feeling do you represent?
brought to you by Quizilla

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very high in dietary fibre

Hah, the pharmacy faq for applicants has been updated. "If I've completed all the pre-requisites, are there any courses I can take in the summer to lighten my course load if I am accepted into the program?"

Sigh. The pioneers git the arrahs, y'know.

4 months, I can do it.

Malachai - 2003-08-22 15:13:52
Four months until what?
gretchen - 2003-08-22 15:37:21
I use Mozilla myself, but the teeming masses are way into the IE, so I like to keep it real for my peeps, word. Mac Mozilla doesn't have the blessed google toolbar, thought, but the tabbedness! How I love it so!
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5.5 more days. yo!

Why is there blood on this note from my client? I'm hoping "nose bleed" or "hangnail", but seriously, if you bled on a note, wouldn't you just rewrite it on a fresh piece of paper? Well, this is the guy who comes to meetings in a bathrobe.

So I went to the pharmacy nearest my office, considering it a compromise since I didn't pick a more full-service joint, but it turns out to have been a great choice. The pharmacist there has 3rd & 4th year students there from UBC all the time and was super friendly about everything. Yay! I'm going there this afternoon to do my visitation. I realized after I walked out that I forgot to get his name or introduce myself. Oops. I guess I'll find out today, eh?

I spent a half an hour last night figuring out where I could go for an early morning swim today (since I have plans for after work) before deciding to sleep in after all. But ooh, I'm so down with swimming, I want to swim every day. My last lesson is next tuesday, or last until the next batch start up in 3 weeks. I want to get my butterfly on, man.

miss p: I SO know what you mean. I keep putting off buying new jeans that fit me, because it just seems like that can't possibly be the right size.

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fool quizzes

I am uncertain of the connection between Valhalla and forest fires.

Are you damned?
Brought to you by Rum and Monkey

You will die a warrior and be spirited away by warbling wenches to the Hall of the Slain. Meat and mead for ever more, well until Ragnarok, anyway, when you will do battle with giants, giantesses, dwarfs, elves and Nidhug, a dragon who likes to nibble trees. Odin is great!

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in which brooke boringly discusses minutiae of her study schedule. paging Dr. Rimmer... Dr. Rimmer...

So I've figured it out, I can study about a half hour for every hour of class. This is about half what I want to, but even if I quit everything but school and study in all my free time there's not really time. I have 30 hours of class a week. EWWWW. Well, studying almost as much as I wanted to last term got me superlative A+s, so probably half as much will be just fine, especially since I'm not talking any math (well stats for dummies, but pfft) and I am taking 3 intro life sciences courses, which in the past have taken me about 15 minutes per hour of lecture to totally memorize, so hey. My pharmacy classes will undoubtedly feature endless research projects and group assignments, but at least I know which end of the library is up.

Anyway I'm stalling: as soon as I hit "done!" I must leave work and go ask a pharmacist if I can watch them for 3 hours. I am sure they will say yes. But you know, the asking strangers for favours thing, I'm still not accustomed.

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At long last, I've lost my fear of heights! (crash) Oh. And along with it, my ability to fly.

Next week just before I leave they are replacing the windows in part of our 27th floor office. I'm guessing it won't be during office hours, but wouldn't that be funny? I'll try not to walk out a window.

persephone - 2003-08-21 14:54:09
darling yam, could i ask you to put dates on your entries somewhere somehow? my buddy list light has become seriously unreliable, and here are three entries i've never seen, and i have no way of knowing if i've been missing you for days or, um, day.
persephone - 2003-08-21 19:33:44
oh i see them! thank you!
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a google search

"corn plane"

I cannot articulate all the ways that I do not understand what they were looking for.

mrputter - 2003-08-22 08:12:35
Bwahahaha! That's the funnerest thing I've read in ages.
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I'm a creeeeep, I'm a weirdo

7 days of work left. Heh: 680 down, 7 to go. I feel like I could blink and miss them. And I am working the "late" shift, 8-1, allowing me to wake up at the decadent hour of 6:45, which is even a bit later than I'll wake up for school. Ahhh, bliss.

School: less than two weeks away. My goodness! I'm even registered in all my classes for first term now, although what they'll do about microbiology for second term is still unclear. I have all my textbooks, or anyway all of the ones the bookstore knows about. None of my pharmacy classes have listed required texts, but I'm guessing it's not because we'll be relying solely on handouts. Then again for first year perhaps we will. I don't regret buying the pharmacy books I have anyway; some are interesting on their own and others have that helpful glow that useful references have. If nothing else, I could use the Remington to kill a man if I were beset by attackers while reading about considerations in pediatric dosage in a dark alley.

My biology class (aka Yet Another Goddamn First Year Biology Class, the one that's a prerequisite for the ONLY class in the calendar that doesn't take my 7 transfer credits as a 1st year prereq.) also has no textbook listed: instead I had to buy a remote control. Apparently there's some ridiculous scheme where students take quizzes by remote control in class, aka, I get to pay $60 to save the department the cost of marking quizzes, while already paying an extra $100 more than the other students in the class by virtue of being a pharmacy student. Hmm. I suspect that we will in fact need a textbook for it too, but I'm hoping it's not listed because they assume you have the standard bio book for the other 1st year courses, which I do, albeit an older edition.

I can kind of do the butterfly stroke now! For very short intervals, since I haven't quite got the breathing down yet, by which I mean I can't breathe at all when I do butterfly, so I do a lot of stopping. But whee! It's so fun. Only two more swimming lessons left, but I've signed up for more for the fall on saturdays.

My schedule is looking pretty full for the fall. 7 courses, studying, family dinners, band practice, stitch'n'bitch, church, choir. Ostensibly I still have some free time, but I suspect I'll spend a lot of it sleeping. Oh well, whatever, I'll find out soon enough what I need to stop doing. In the meantime I'll keep taking big bites; this is going to be FUN.

Next week I am going to a "mature student orientation." A tour+q&a session. I thought I was kind of sneaking in to it, since I was going to go to the transfer student night instead but it's during a swim lesson. But anyway, I was amused to discover yesterday that I technically am a mature student - 23 and older is their definition of mature. Heh. Well, I do feel more mature than someone fresh out of highschool, but I'm guessing there will be some mature students with say, grey hair, who feel rather more mature than I am. Eh well, I prefer being patted on the head to feeling like patting someone on the head, y'know?

We had a great band practice last night. Superben fixed up his punk rock pedal (with the warning "This was an electronics 12 project. Um, don't leave the room while it's on, okay?") and so I got to play Creep with super distortion in the middle. So. Fun. I need to practice my guitar more, ie, at all. Well, now that the wedding/meet/etc. is over I should have more time. For a week anyway until school starts up. I'll pretend that, as a glam rock star, I'm going to tragically die of an overdose in two weeks, and so cram in some last intense rock star action. Or, er, maybe not.

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one MILLION dollars

Ohhh so tired. What a busy weekend. The tab 10-year anniversary meet was great. Maybe a bit lethargic because everyone was already zonked from staying up late for tea candles the night before. There were 4 teams for the scavenger hunt, and everyone seemed to have a good time!

Back at work. Finding it very difficult to care about anything because I'm gone so soon. Oh well, I can suck it up for 9 days. Whee! Can't. Wait. For. School.

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I've got a disease, I'm addicted to cheese - 2003-11-20
when I think of the time gone by - 2003-11-16
the pancakes of blushful Hippocrene had not been entirely filling - 2003-11-14
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