for a minute there I lost myself I lost myself

I feel totally disoriented. The music has stopped and I am facing.. school? I think.

Last day of work is over. I even remembered to give back my key. I am not wholly convinced that I'm not going back there on tuesday. I keep feeling anxious about things on my desk for this week, but there's actually nothing on my ex-desk except stationery supplies for the next person.

I saw radiohead last night! It was pretty good, although if I went again I would go back in time and decide to get wristband tickets so I could get close enough to dance and really get in to it. I think that's the only way I enjoy live performance much at all; sitting in the bleachers was kind of stultifying. I almost fell asleep and I did leave 2/3s of the way through to go swimming. That makes it sound like I had an awful time, but no, I'm just enough of a dork that I'd leave a nice concert to go for a swim. Apparently I missed the encore where Michael Stipe from REM came out to sing with them - REM was playing the night before. I did get to hear some of my favourite songs. Airbag and Street Spirit were playing as I walked away from the stadium, yay! I can't enjoy No Surprises any more, though, I spend the whole time picking out the guitar part I've finally learned.

Well anyway. Radiohead. I was there. Whatever.

Before radiohead we had a lovely picnic at the beach and after we went to eat at a restaurant, and that was the last I'll see of my good friend the lord of Eggnog until at least christmas. I am secretly hoping he finishes his thesis in record time and flies back home for good, but this would require him to get a personality transplant from a self-starter and anyway there's never any "home for good" with him, he's always flying off somewhere. I think he has itchy feet like my parents but twn times worse. I will miss him a lot.

My house is a disaster and it's driving me nuts. Between work ending and school starting I have eight million bits of paper, desk detritus, and books to sort out, and because it's been happy friend summer I've had no time to get it sorted. Oh well, it'll leave me something to do when I'm procrastinating; my usual pursuit, alphabetizing, is rather self-limiting.

Well. Now I must make a lemon pie. I think I'll colour it blue just to see if anyone notices.

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poor wandering one/if such poor love as mine

Last day at work! My desk is so empty. I am, as per standard, procrastinating something terrible even though I can leave as soon as I'm done my work.

catnipqueen - 2003-08-31 05:07:19
I saw a shirt today at H0t T0pic that said I love pirates and I thought of you.
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freight train come by here, she were 23 box car long

Well! I now have a very big pot and 8 little jars of dill pickles. I can't wait to find out how they taste, especially the turnip ones. I know the turnip pickles will not be anything like the turnip pickles at Habibi's, but perhaps they will be edible anyhow. I feel the urge to can something else, but I can't think what. Jelly is right out, I have so much jelly already. I want to make watermelon rind pickles because that just sounds so bizarre, but I hate watermelon in all forms so it would be a lot of effort for no return, really.

2 more days of work! I was just looking at an old entry where there were 352 days of work left. Time sure passes in a continuous linear fashion, man.

malachai - 2003-08-28 13:38:25
yes, that was a request
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annual thrift sale

Dohhh foiled! I have no tall pot for processing pickles! The boy express better get here soon.

In the meantime, breana is intermaviewing me:

Here's your interview. I guess you have to include these rules in your post. Bah, rules. 1. Leave a comment in my notes, saying you want to be interviewed. 2. I will respond; I'll ask you five questions. 3. You'll update your Web site with my five questions, and your five answers. 4. You'll include this explanation. 5. You'll ask up to five other people five questions when they want to be interviewed. And now for the questions:

1. Is there a song you wish had been written about you?

"Diamonds on the soles of her shoes." Then I could go ice skating on glass buildings (I also need for a song about outer space where anti-gravity is invented to be about me) and etch figure-eights in to the sides permanently.

2. Do you write poetry, and if so, is it any good?

I've written some in high school, mostly light-hearted doggerel for school assignments and one or two angsty affairs. I have written one poem ever that I am proud of, but not proud enough to tell you about it. Although it is on the internet somewhere anonymously. Hah! There is a bad mixture of hubris and cowardice for you.

3. If you were an outlaw, what would your reward poster say?

There would be no reward poster! No one would ever SUSPECT I was an outlaw, let alone get close enough for a blurry photo and list of crimes!

Okay probably "wanted (but not hard) for trespassing in public parks after hours. suspect is armed and dangerous in backwards land. please feel free to approach and administer stern but halfhearted talking to." I don't even jaywalk and I pay my taxes early; I cannot express how not an outlaw I am. I used to cry in elementary school when someone suggested sneaking in to use the washrooms without getting a bathroom pass first.

4. They say the CIA can train you to kill a man with almost anything. You have to kill a man, and you only have at your disposal one pink rubber flip flop, a garden hose, a pair of tweezers, and an unpainted fake plastic garden gnome. How do you kill him?

Go to man's house. Find utility drawer. Remove masking tape. Tear off half-inch piece of masking tape. Choke man with masking tape. Put on flip flop, take garden gnome to the backyard to hang out and have fake conversations with the garden hose. Gossip about tweezers, who are left all alone at the scene of the crime.

5. What is the strangest thing you ever found in your freezer?

The dessicated hand of jesse james fastened to a golf-ball retriever! Wait, that was in a video game. I don't know, some squid. I only have food in there, man. Although that reminds me of a friend's favourite pick-up line: "You have stolen my heart! But don't worry, I have four more in the freezer at home."

Malachai - 2003-08-28 01:23:30
So does this mean that if I ask you to interview me, you are bound to do so in a gruesome chainletter fashion?
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he's got my wife! and she's on fire!

Another late night, but this time I was the leftover people sleeping on the couch. Watching strange movies until 2 or 3. I tiptoed out of the house at 7:30 to go swimming and then to work, having arranged in advance to start at the leisurely hour of 10. Now I feel a bit inverted: start the day at a friend's house, then my after-work swim, then work. I will probably go home and eat breakfast and then wake up. Certainly I'm not quite awake now.

3 more days! 3, 2, 1. I had planned for friday to work early and then quit at lunchtime to go home for the most glorious after-work nap in history, but it seems there's a farewell lunch planned in my honour which it would be impolitic to miss.

I am making pickles tonight! I hope I don't do anything to give myself food poisoning.

malachai - 2003-08-27 15:27:50
It's hard to die from pickle poisoning with all that vinegar in there. However, hide the cats first as they may not like the smell of boiling vinigar. YUM.
hermia - 2003-08-27 15:57:29
this made me think of you, for some reason:
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10 print Have not had coffee yet. 20 wistful (17)

The stitch'n'bitch last night went on until 1:30am and still has leftover people sleeping on my couch. I will have to tiptoe past to go to work. I usually kick people out at ten, but for some reason I am feeling panicky about the end of summer, like it's my last chance for meets EVER. So we stayed up late making friendship bracelets and baking, which makes it sound like a grade six sleepover party, which is perhaps the latest trend in new york.

Off in the west the clouds are in a formation I associate strongly with alberta: solid layer of clouds everywhere but the horizon, where they chop off in a straight line, leaving a little strip of clear sky. The other three directions are all blocked by mountains and cannot do this. When I was in alberta I missed mountains and green things, but now that I am here sometimes I miss the flatness, the sort of comfortable feeling that there was always more land than you could see, that things got so far away they just disappeared as far as you knew. I'm not sure why that's a comfortable feeling.

brids - 2003-08-26 12:24:14
If it's not the trend in NY, I'm making it my Yam-given duty to make it a trend!
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nothing ventured, nothing gained

It's my last week at work and it is dragging like a bastard. I need someone to stand behind me and poke me with a fork to get me to do my work. Okay no, even at my current slow pace I'll probably get everything essential done by the end of the week, I'm just not enjoying it. I want school to start now, because I'm SO sick of this work noise.

Cleaning my desk out is improving my morale somewhat. It has a glorious "Fuck all y'all!" character to it, occasionally interrupted by the discovery of hidden chocolate. Right now I am eating a chocolate frog, a representation of the spirit helper of a chocolate manfacturer. What? There is a card attached describing how he feels the frog is his heart. I feel vaguely guilty about eating his heart, but you know, anything for science.

I have just unearthed some quotations I stuck to the wall long enough ago that they are faintly embarassing. Birthday cards from I'm not sure what birthday. I've had 3 here: 21, 22, 23. Several tins of brown beans. The remains of the manufacture of our wedding invitations. Very old tea. Unspeakably ancient tomato soup. Okay I guess 1 year old isn't unspeakably ancient. The remains of my pharmacy application. The remains of my deciding to go back to school to think about applying for pharmacy. A yellowed copy of the Globe & Mail with my name in it after I won an award for some finance industry course.

Two framed certificates. I'm taking those home but I'm not sure what to do with them. In five days they will not be relevent to my life anymore.

A basket of fake autumn leaves from the first digs package exchange. A godzilla poster mocking the premier. The reading glasses it turns out I don't need. A toy hedgehog and a colouring book promoting mutual funds to kindergarteners. (?) Paystubs from previous tax years. God I'm such a slob.

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when I think of the time gone by - 2003-11-16
the pancakes of blushful Hippocrene had not been entirely filling - 2003-11-14
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