there's no plane we can catch today

Man, the digs thread about SOs who don't want kids is making me so grateful that boy and I agree. I mean, we don't want kids NOW, god no, but we agree that's what the plan is for later. That would be such an awful topic to be.. unsure about. I think it's because we're both princesses, we know it's our royal duty to bring our undoubtedly perfect offspring in to the world to rule over it when we're gone, from our underground lair and extensive network of cat ranches and palaces. You understand.

I have a cat on my foot. Best, most dangerous slipper ever.

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I don't know just what I was looking for, but I found it in you, you you

I think I've decided to just stick it out. Use my biology and stat hours as study hall (yesterday I spent biology eating corn and reading my physiology text, and stat making origami cranes. whee! I can't believe I'm paying like $1100 for those two courses alone.), make lots of cold lunches, and quit choir until the spring. At least my thursdays are mostly free.

La la la. I have some new pants from value village that fit really well, and I just had some bacon. I'm totally using the distraction method here. No lunch break? LOOK A BUTTERFLY! I think it's got a chance.

I think it'll all feel better when my pharmacy courses start next week. I've been waiting for them for 2 years and I am so ready. I am NOT putting them off for a year.

Malachai - 2003-09-06 21:36:51
I'll come visit you in the looney bin.
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hrm! well, I can drop statistics, or I can split my year in two and do the actual pharmacy courses next year.

think think think.

yam - 2003-09-05 19:51:07
weird, this entry should be above the next one.
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Ah, school. I have too many classes. I have an appointment in ten minutes to plead for a chance to drop one or more of them. I can't take this no lunch break shit.

So far they are mostly interesting. Anatomy is annoying - the textbook is horribly written, full of gratuitously dense writing, irrelevent asides, useless jargon, and no glossary. Meanwhile the actual lectures are delivered to us by remote, since the class is too full. Today it was ten minutes in to the class before the camera was successfully focused on the notes we were meant to be copying down. Charming! The actual course material seems interesting, though, once you exhume it from the textbook. Physiology is fabulous. Biology makes me want to throw things. Oh, biology. Why are the most useless classes the ones that mark for attendance? Not that biology in general is useless, just that this course, which entirely duplicates previous courses I've taken but cannot challenge, is useless to me. In my class also are two students with degrees in biology and biochemistry respectively, also unable to challenge it. Learning about bacteria. Honestly! Someone fell asleep at the switch, and the switch was connected to the catapult, and the catapult was full of shit, and the catapult minder is narcoleptic. Statistics is absurdly elementary, but the lecturer is so charming that I don't mind. Still, that seems the most likely candidate to drop. Chemistry is chemistry - I love it but count minutes in the lectures anyway. We haven't started our pharmacy lectures proper yet, but ooh! I am looking forward to them.

On balance I want to be happy about being in school. But I'm not, and I think it's all about too many courses at once. I hope I can drop something. Growing girls need to eat lunch.

persephone - 2003-09-07 05:14:40
"Why are the most useless classes the ones that mark for attendance": wait, i know that one! it's because... no one will show up otherwise! can't keep people coming by their TEACHING, you see. i have no respect for that. like marking people absent makes your class any better.
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sounds like.. nectarine!

I found all my notebooks (but not my gluestick) and didn't need any of them. All we did today was listen to a pep talk and take a lengthy walking tour of campus. There was a boy named moses in my tour group and I'm VERY sad that I'm not in his lab, because I am DYING to pass him some tablets. Har har. Okay it's probably for the best that I'm not in his lab, because I would need to be punched for that.

I went downtown to cash my student loan since the campus post office was crazy. I got a crazy post lady with one inch long white plastic nails and a red wig. Hee! She was super sweet and helped me fill out my forms, so I should get some mad phat cash in a week if all goes well.

The buses are total chaos today. Bus driver opinions on UPass policy encountered so far:

1. UBC card is not acceptable for fare, all students must pay full fare.

2. UBC card is mandatory for fare, UPass not accepted.

3. UPass accepted, but do NOT put it in the fare box, you'll break it, it's not programmed.

4. UPass accepted, but put it in the fare box or how do I know if it's valid?

5. UBC card is okay, or UPass if you have it.

I think translink needs to give a copy of this week's Buzzer to all their drivers, man. Anyway, 2 though 5 will let /me/ on the bus since I have my ubc card and my upass, but I've talked to a few students who just gave up and paid $2. #1 seriously pisses me off. It didn't happen to me, though, just someone I talked to. If anyone says that to me I am going to stand there until they call their supervisor. I can't stand it when translink has new policies and doesn't spread the word, like when they introduced the friends-ride-free-on-sundays-with-your-month-pass deal and then a driver almost called the cops when boy tried to take advantage of it. Dorks.

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god loves his children, god loves his children, yeahh

First day of school tomorrow. Freak out!!!

I think I will stay up late cleaning my room, so I can find the school supplies I bought 3 weeks ago.

Visiting campus is just such a non-stop flashback, although I never went to this university before. Just the whole being a student deal. Except now when I look at the first years taking tours I think "they're just BABIES!" instead of "everyone is OLDER THAN ME!" I think I like it better this way. In transition there was always a certain cachet attached to being younger than everyone else, but what nonsense. Being young just means being more uncertain and uncomfortable and unprepared. It is my good fortune that the human brain provides a constant sense of assurance that one is at the height of sophistication at any given time. Or maybe that's just me because I'm a princess.

Where is my gluestick? I need to stick RFIDs my belongings and make them beep at me when I need them. I would probably need my gluestick for that task also. Doh.

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I've got a disease, I'm addicted to cheese - 2003-11-20
when I think of the time gone by - 2003-11-16
the pancakes of blushful Hippocrene had not been entirely filling - 2003-11-14
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