what do you do with a drunken sailor

Today I went to a canoe race! We lost so bad: 7th place in the first heat (beating out a team that was disqualified), 8th place in the second heat. Although the other first year pharm team, who ended up in 3rd place, have the dubious pleasure of going back tomorrow for the finals, while we sleep and study for midterms. La la. It was fun, but now I am tired and salty and in no mood for cleaning or studying.

My wardrobe is on its way out. I am looking out my window at its new owner trying to get it in to a van that's half-full of something else. Hrmm. I hope they are successful, because I don't want it back.

malachai - 2003-10-06 01:51:51
don't worry, you aren't getting it back. It fit fine in the van but ran into stuff one the hallway. It's currently waiting for your bruder0in0law to get his toolbelt over here to helps me reassemble it.
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this boat is totally sinking! doo doo doo doo doodoo doo doo doo doo

I went to a digsmeet tonight! I think it's been almost two years since epi and amanda came to visit, whoah. I've been on digs for quite a while, eh? Anyway I met jazz and natal1e and n's husband and it was awesome. N. is going to open a floral law practice, we decided.

Man, today I was the class-skippingest class skipper ever. I woke up at six and there was no way I was going to chemistry. I fed the cats, and sat down to browse the official course discussion boards. I found out finally what the marking scheme is, since our disorganized prof never actually told us, and it's 30% midterm, 70% final. No quizzes, and it's common tests to all sections, so I can just do the problems in the book and that's it. goodbye 8 o'clock classes! goodbye lame instructor! So: 3 days a week my first class is at 10. Sweeeeeet. Anyway, after I finally sauntered in for anatomy, I skipped physiology. The lecturer is okay, but it's a class where they've handed out the lecture notes in advance, which ugh, such a bad idea. Everything they're about to say is already in front of you and it's totally stultifying, even though the material is interesting. So eh, I'll have to study it later anyway, so I went to lay about in the sunshine, read the notes in 10 minutes instead of having them read to me for 50, and had lunch. Went to biology since there was a quiz. Ahh, biology. Every class sets a new record in useless. Today we spent ten minutes "testing" our dumb remote controls (actually it would have been five, but when she said "has everyone had a chance?" the pharm students I sit with all said "NO!" It's hilarious, we've all given up on getting anything out of class so we're all about derailing her. We have races to see who can press their remote button the fastest.), then spent 20 minutes on a 2-question quiz. THEN the last 20 minutes were spent teaching the material we were just tested on. What? You are expecting us to know this in detail, but now you're giving simplistic explanations of it? Oh well, whatever, I'll get a lot of knitting done. Then I skipped stats. Last stats class I went to: how to graph points in the cartesian plane. Yeah, I think I'll go home and learn how to take an SD on my own. Well, I'll go on friday to find out the format of the midterm, but whatever.

So yeah, major slacking. All my fabulous study skills and perfect attendance record are going to hell. But whatever. I'm going to all my pharm classes and lovin' em, and doing all the work. I'll do fine in these chump classes and wouldn't I be sad if I wasted all semester sleeping in them. But oh I can't wait for next year when it's all pharm courses (except one.) I didn't quit my job to waste time sneering at bio profs, damnit. Although sneering /is/ always very fun, I can sneer for free on the bus. Oh well. Next term I'll be shut of bio and stats and I'll have 4 pharm courses instead of 3. And next year it'll be pharm pharm pharm.

I feel like I haven't been studying at all or working in any way, but I have been getting things done as they're due. I bet I'll get studying soon when midterms start up. On tuesday I did a big presentation on taxes. (we're practicing how to do presentations, and for the first one we could pick any topic at all, even unrelated to pharmacy.) I was nervous and thought I'd do awful, and then afterwards everyone was like "you should do a tax seminar for everyone!" So uh, yeah, I guess it went well! It was videotaped and I watched the video and hey, it wasn't that bad. That's pretty cool. I felt kind of lost, since while I'm used to giving tax advice, it's always been online or over the phone. But apparently I did fine. Yay!

The other day I discovered the greatest way ever to spend time on campus while ditching class: the education library. The whole bottom floor is basically children's books. WHEE! I /was/ just looking for a study carrel to do some chem problems in, but ha ha ha that didn't happen. I walked out with an armload of books: the melendy books, a baron munchausen picture book, some kid-sci-fi, oh man. My friend has now told me that they have a board game section! You can sign out crazy educational games! Oh education library I love you. Well I'll do my chem problems at night instead, since I can stay up later now that I have no plans to actually attend my morning chem classes. It's so much nicer to wake up when the sun is also awake. I bet my academic performance will improved compared to the parallel universe where I forced myself to keep going to Dr. McMonotone's scintillating classes. I'll have to ask the parallel universe neanderthal quantum physicist from that goofy fantasy book I just read.

Next week I get to visit a hospital pharmacy and - yay! - the pharmacist is a pediatric specialist!!! I wonder if our lab instructor did that on purpose - she must have my application essay on file. Either way, SO COOL. It's little moment like that, where I was yelling YES! when I read the email, when I am so, so sure I picked the right profession. Being a pharmacist is going to ROCK.

fuffygurl - 2003-10-02 06:36:01
I wonder does that biology teacher realise how useless her class really is? Or does she eagerly turn up every morning expecting to teach bright eyed young things. I would imagine she does else I wouldnt think she'd get out of bed to drag her ass in there. Bleuch theres nothing worse then useless classes.
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it's fun to say "utwig jugger"

I can't seem to do any work on weekends. Oh well! It makes for a much more laxin' time, anyway. I will scribble my overheads out tomorrow and do my chem problems during class and really, that's all the fretting they are worth anyhow.

Yesterday we had a big ol' lan party here. I surprised myself and had a lot of fun and suggested we have more in the future. I invited a friend over and played starcon 2 all the way through while everyone was deathmatching and flagcatching in the background. Plus I love an excuse to take doors off their hinges. Good times.

Today I went canoeing but not canoodling in the morning, at a pre-race canoe clinic for the big ol' longboat canoe race I signed up for. I feel slightly uncomfortable around any given group of pharmacy students - everyone is so quiet and it activates my paranoia lasers (everyone. totally. hates. me.) - but really everyone is very nice. Anyway, we had fun being bad at paddling and next week we will have fun canoeing around in hopefully the right direction. Maybe we will even beat the dental students, although secretly I hope not because I don't really want to come back for the second day when the finals are.

Tonight we had an impromptu family dinner at our place because mr. obb was too sickly to ride in the car out to the burbs. It was great: it forced us to clean up after the party, and dinner magically appeared at our doorstop and then we got ice cream and then we were just at home instantly instead of getting home late. Super bonus!

I really like my family. I really like how I got a secret bonus loving family through boy instead of the tension-filled in-law unit that so many people seem to get.

In two weeks I think I am going to visit cranky, cancer-ridden grandfather. I told my mum "I think it will be unpleasant but I think I'll regret it if I don't go." "Yeah, probably." Well, I'll get to see Favourite Aunt too, so it will be okay. And my poor grandfather has my love even if he is a cantankerous old bastard, so hey.

I have a kilogram of marzipan in my fridge. What did I do that for? I don't clearly remember. Oh well, tomorrow I will make bizarre marzipan sculptures, perhaps of frungy, the sport of kings.

i-roboctopus - 2003-09-29 13:32:43
Yeah, I'm a bit jealous of your in-laws!
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ung, an ointment. nebul, a spray. hs, at bedtime.

"This is boring!" is what I thought I heard my chemistry prof say. Hell yes! I thought. But no, he was saying "This is borane." Sigh.

I just sat down to quiz myself on latin abbreviations and found that I'd memorized 90% of them already without doing anything. Swish! So now I can fully devote myself to my knitting in my next four classes.

I am so ready for the weekend. My eyes are crossing and I feel like chewing on my arm. Maybe a lot of mentally challenged people just need a nice long nap to become normal, because I'm sure I look absolutely retarded today. I did at the last minute remember to bring my lab coat and not wear jeans today, so maybe there is hope.

Today I am going to play the name game, and register with the college as ms. L, tell my teachers that I am both ms. L and ms. A, and pay for it with a cheque from ms. A. Meanwhile I've noticed that my new provincial ID is going to say B.A.M.L. instead of B.A.M.A.L. as I had hoped, so I'm probably going to just legally change my name to B.A.A.L. (M being my mother's maiden name) and la la la, everyone will have to be shown the name change paper when that happens. I'm getting dizzy just thinking of all the paperwork, but whatever, after this year everything will be done and I won't have to think about it again.

I always feel a little surprised when I look at the marriage certificate. Did that really happen? Yes, yes it did.

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everybody knows I love my toes, everybody knows I love my toes

ho, ho, 4th week of school almost done. I am SO toast, I can barely stay awake tonight. I was supposed to go to a crazy pharmacy event at school, but I just can't, I need to zone out. I've been missing all the pharmacy events, it's driving me nuts, but I'm way too zonked to handle them. I cannot WAIT until next term (and then: until next year, which had better be less freaking intense.) when I can chill and hang out more with people. My stupid lunchtime class is especially annoying to me; I miss all sorts of fun lunchtime parties and lectures, and instead sit in biology class, knitting and glaring at the instructor, waiting for one of her stupid pop quizzes which mean I dare not skip class.

I haven't said anything snarky to her, but man, I realized the other day that I am ACHING for a confrontation with this woman. She makes me want to kill and I just want to be a big rude smart-ass to her. Last class she recited to us a poem she wrote about how MATH is HARD and how she likes to use semi-log paper to graph log functions. Oh my god it was PAINFUL.

Lab tomorrow! I will get to wear my lab coat for the first time. I heart lab coats. I only wish I could customize mine with like, bowling patches and maybe some flames. But it's professional practice lab, not the hipster scouts, so alas, no.

Last night we went to ikea and went crazy. Oh man, if you had asked me two weeks ago if we could POSSIBLY use more furniture I would have said HELL NO, but as it turns out we can. Mr. Obb suggested going, which is not the usual way of things, but he has this master plan. The master plan involves the living room not being covered in a fine layer of computing equipment and my books not being stacked in double rows on my shelves since they keep multiplying, so I guess I'm in favour. But temporarily the haus is a zoo of cardboard and unassembling swedish things.

I have a desk! Not an ikea desk, but one I stole from boy's room. I also have a twin bed now, traded for my double-bed at the in-law-furniture-emporium. I feel faintly childish, since I haven't had a twin bed in probably 10 years, but whatever. The twin bed was to make room for the desk, which was a brilliant plan since now I can put my books and school things on the desk instead of on the floor or my bed, which was driving me nuts. A tidy room and a made-up bed go a long way to making me happy. That kind of creeps me out, but what can you do.

The weather is perfect today. It's still sunny, it's been sunny for it seems like 6 months, but today it was cool out too. I went for a walk at the lake with miss mother-in-law and it was so lovely there. Man, after class today a classmate asked me if I had any big plans for the day and I said excitedly "I'm going to see my mother-in-law!" "Uh.. oh." she said. Mother-in-laws have a bad rap, man.

Ho ho, I'd better go do my reading before I fall asleep.

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Hoo-ray, annoying biology project (part 1) defeated. I can enjoy sunday in peace except for doing a bit of reading.

Today was the first meeting of the pastry appreciation society. I got some petit-fours and a yummy almond square. Mmmm, too much butter and sugar. Then I had a slurpee. I felt all woobly for hours afterwards. Then I had a bison sausage and pickles for dinner, and mini-marshmallows for dessert. It's been a very odd food day for me.

I don't know why, but my swimming instructor totally drives me INSANE. I have to struggle not to snap at her. It's not like she's mean. It's just.. I guess when people say they have good chemistry? I have bad, bad chemistry with this person. Oh well, my swimming is improving, so whatever. I don't have to like her, she doesn't have to like me, la la la.

On monday I am going to a beginner water polo practice. I have only a hazy idea of what water polo involves (a ball, a net, dorky caps and a bunch of people trying to drown each other is what I gathered from watching part of a practice today), but hey, the first practice is free.

Streptomycin is so silly! It's used to treat the bubonic plague and not much else. Do people still get that? I love the name. It's not used for much else because bacteria give it one look and become resistant. In fact some become resistant so fast they become /dependent/ on it. Ha ha, DISS.

becca - 2003-09-21 07:45:36
I believe they do in countries like India, and in some bits of Africa. Just to add something else to the health worries they have!
barbar - 2003-09-22 16:45:15
There was a bit of a resurgence of plague in the US in the 1970s, or so I've heard. It was spread by squirrels biting people. Seriously!
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when I think of the time gone by - 2003-11-16
the pancakes of blushful Hippocrene had not been entirely filling - 2003-11-14
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