the door is always open in my house/because I needed an easier way out

I was just thinking this morning about how I'd miss being at the top of every alphabetical list when I changed my name at school next year, but then when I got to my next class the professor had everyone's midterm except mine. Hmm! But he just emailed me that he found it in his office and I got 100% so er, cancel red alert on that one. Still, maybe there are some benefits to being brooke L I had not considered.

I am getting quite the collection of empty vials for fictitious prescriptions. Today I threw out my bottle of solution after long mental struggle. In an uncharacteristically un-packrat-ish move I managed to admit to myself that a bottle of glycerin solution would probably NOT come in handy some day. Maybe I won't become a cat-lady living in an attic full of bread tags and egg cartons after all.

Yesterday I went to visit the hospital! It was wonderful. I so (still) want to be a pediatric hospital pharmacist, now that I know what the job actually involves. Aspect I had not previously thought about: seeing babies all. day. long. We visited the special care nursery and I listened to the heart of the tiniest stick-figure baby ever. I could still eat my lunch after visiting a ward full of sick babies with needles in their heads, so my mother-in-law advised me to skip straight to surgeon school. Hah. Anyway. It was so amazing. And so many different tasks! Pharmacy is so perfect for me. Incredible attention to detail for 15 minutes at a stretch tops, please supply 50 tasks a day to prevent boredom, that's me.

And last night I visited the oldest co-op around, which has been co-oping since the 60s to the chagrin of the municipal government who keep hoping they'll get past this hippie business. Ho ho. Two huge houses with a big kitchen and a zillion bedrooms. No one seemed very crazy at all, which is no doubt why they're still around. They have a giant pantry full of things from famous foods and a sewing room. Retirement plan C, next in line after "lucrative cat ranch and cactus farm."

Now it is the week week weekend! I am behind on studying already, though I was very good at school and finished all my work. Oh well, maybe I will do some extra work tomorrow in the car out to the Valley of Visiting Cranky Dying Relatives and Also Some Nice Ones Afterwards.

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pharmacien sounds way cooler than pharmacist

I think I am developing mad 7-year old syndrome, which involves my bedtime being 8pm every night this week. Crash! Yesterday, despite like 12 hours of sleep, I was falling asleep by the beginning of physio lab at 2. I spent the lab developing irrational hatreds of the lab instructors. Dr. A: she speaks softly because she hates me! Grad student B: fills me with disdain! Dr. C: asked me to do a problem on the board because he hates me! It was a problem that involved such complicated things as following a chalk arrow and knowing right from left, which took me like 7 minutes and two wrong guesses. I was having such a retard moment. By the end I was seething with irrational speeches about how he was discriminating against my imaginary dyslexia. (only in my head, fortunately. yay for avoiding more public embarassment.) I was able to calm down after that because it was just SO ridiculous. That and because Dr. C is hilarious and hard to hate for very long. ANYWAY fortunately the quiz was very easy and I seem to have escaped my temporary brain excision with minimal damage.

Today after another 10 hours of sleep I am feeling much more alert. Although today I also had a huge cup of coffee, so duh. In an hour I'm going to visit a hospital pharmacist, which should be awesome. Or as long as I don't have another visit from the idiocy fairies this afternoon. Ho ho ho.

I have 16 hours of studying to do between now and tuesday. This sounds like a lot, but it is a long weekend, and when I think about how I've done maybe 10 hours total at all this semester so far, and about how this will make 26 total hours of study for 150 class hours, I began to feel more like this is just another part of my slacking strategy.

After finally recovering from overdoing my weights on sunday I did more on wednesday, and today do NOT feel like a feeb. I do feel like babe, though. Intellectually I understand that my leg muscles haven't magically sprung out of nowhere in the last 3 days, but it feels like they have. Whee! At this rate I'll be Miss Universe in 3 weeks. Fortunately this is very very false, because ew, I don't want to look like Miss Universe.

I feel the need for a mad tabnet scheme of some kind. Maybe it's anniversary meet withdrawal.

barbara - 2003-10-09 23:12:25
I have to read and take notes on 40 or so articles this weekend, and I'm actually excited because it's the first time since school started that I think I'll actually have the time and energy to do so. Yay for studying! But erm. We MIGHT want to have the second meeting of the TELPAS (tabnet elite ladies' pastry appreciation society)
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ha ha ha! stats midterm done. 20 minutes and if I got any marks off it's probably a spelling mistake or something. decision to skip all future stats classes: confirmed.

I feel a bit better about my new skipping regime when I figured out that I still go to 20 other hours of classes a week. Thas plenny.

hermia - 2003-10-07 10:10:36
Check. It. Out.
hermia - 2003-10-07 10:11:08
er, click on my name in that other comment, and it will take you to the NYTimes article I was trying to link to. *sigh*
breana - 2003-10-07 15:45:54
That test is burninated! The class is sworded! Yamdor reigns supreme!
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did you find what you wanted, did they have the right colour, did they serve you in style, it's a fix no matter what you call it

Today I lifted weights for the first time in quite a while. Lifting weights is great! I always forget. It's been so long that the squats gave me jelly-legs. Combined with my sore back from paddling yesterday, going down stairs was interesting; I was bent over like an old woman and stumbling like a drunk, and grinning like an idiot, because while it makes me look like a palsy case it makes me feel fabulous I guess.

So yay, more weights for me. I think this was all inspired by the kids-books-about-knights I am reading, about girls who sneak off to knight school. Damn, I think, if some ten year old can suck it up and learn sword fighting and archery and run around all day, I can get out of bed and do something, eh? Yes, fictional children are shaming me in to action. Sometimes I think I might be happiest in the army, except for the moving away from my family part. And well the moral ambiguity and death and everything. These fantasy-land knights have great objectively evil villainzzZ to fight which the canadian forces I feel do not. Maybe if there were the magical peace scouts, who train hard, feed the hungry in beirut, right wrongs in indonesia, and sleep every night in their own beds in vancouver. But anyway, working in a ridiculously structured environment which includes a painful physical fitness regime, I expect I'd flourish.

It all sounds kind of like elementary school: not content with As in everything else, I bashed my head against the team sports wall over and over. Joined every team and was miserable, last place, in every sport. Oh well. Only recently am I coming to grips with the fact that my strength is my head and it will never be my body, my body is not even fucking an also-ran, my body is somewhere going backwards in the wrong arena. It's a painful thing to realize. I can keep fit and everything, but on some level I am convinced that if I just TRY harder I will be an athlete. Of course I won't. Getting strong enough to open jars and pick up my boyfriend is about tops, and really both those things are cheating. I think most girls can open jars and lift up hundreds of pounds if they put an effort in to it; boy says he figures most of me seeming strong is that I am always willing to try to pick something up. Sure I will carry a hundred pounds! I think I'm strong so I am. Well anyway, it's something.

Ramble, ramble, ramble. Time to make my lunch.

I played guitar today too for the first time in a long while. These things just seem to get washed away by school. I think that's the best argument for living forever (when love must diiiiieeeee, thank you queen) - you'd have time to spend 20 years just specializing in things without worrying about getting everything else done too. Life is so short. You have to be an air-traffic controller to get even a tiny fraction of the interesting things done.

I think I'm not making sense anymore. Lunch.

mrputter - 2003-10-06 10:15:14
> and pick up my boyfriend

hee, "boyfriend"?

Anyway, I think this is no small accomplishment, given your relative sizes.
yam - 2003-10-06 11:34:31
persephone - 2003-10-06 22:37:51
ooh book recommendations please!! speaking of which, i just heard that pamela dean's juvenile series is being reissued.
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I've got a disease, I'm addicted to cheese - 2003-11-20
when I think of the time gone by - 2003-11-16
the pancakes of blushful Hippocrene had not been entirely filling - 2003-11-14
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