some people some people some people

Hooray. I can breathe, and I have a crayon costume to wear to school tomorrow. Annoyingly, even wearing a traffic cone on my head I am still shorter than my husband. A whole traffic cone! Damn I'm short.

bruce II - 2003-10-31 13:22:03
what colour will you be?
Il Bruce - 2003-10-31 16:19:42
I think traffic cones only come in orange.
bruce II - 2003-10-31 16:30:15
paint comes in different colours.
bruce I - 2003-10-31 18:31:58
yeah, orange. paint would be way too much brain damage.
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Oh, I love a quiz with the name Fibonacci in it.

What Irrational Number Are You?
You are √2

You are in good company, many other square roots are also irrational numbers. Just by being a square root you have been branded a radical. You are considered very attractive, especially by Europeans (at least on paper.)

You fear that a relationship with another √2 may somehow end up complex and ultimately imaginary. In reality, only another √2 will make you whole.

Your lucky number is approximately 1.41421356

Shiny Lemur
Straif's Blog

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yay; eep

yay, 60%! I've never been so happy to barely pass an exam in my life. Slack-ass skip-class chem strategy: success.

I am so snorky, it's gross. I am working my way through the box of tissue packets the minimart here has for sale; hopefully I will get well before they run out. My ailment is also making me uncharacteristically forthright. Yesterday in tutorial we were writing goals for ourselves for improving our skills as self-directed learners. Normally I would smile, nod, and write up two pages of nonsense, but instead I got in a long conversation with the teacher about how I thought the assignment was totally bunk, how I wasn't able to write goals that would be anything but making things up for her, and how I didn't want to change my learning strategies that already work for me and how I already had goals written for myself and would never have gotten this far if I didn't, and that frankly my goal for her course is to show up and do the required assignments and that's it because I have 8 other courses to worry about too. She was very nice about it all. (Heh, but I guess in pharmacy you get used to cranky sick people.) I came home in sort of a daze: did I actually say all that to my instructor? I guess I did.

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les cloches que je sonne sont mes amours, sont mes amantes

The power went out just as I was about to leave the house today, and when I got outside it was obvious why: there was a huge fire in a little mini-mall a block away. All of fraser was blocked off and full up of emergency vehicles, hoses were spraying at the roof, the whole 9 yards. Fortunately a half-empty mini-mall at 8am probably had very few people in it, so chances are no one was hurt.

There was a little convoy of electric buses lined up on kingsway, trolleys strapped down and looking depressed, but within a minute a fresh happy one happened along. When I got to my stop, a completely empty bus came to pick me up. It was like transit limousine service today.

I am drinking lemonade and crossing my eyes at people. I want some hot soup, yo. I feel much better, or anyway like I'm making progress towards not being sick. I sound awful but I have no fever and I feel like I could lick at least 70% of a tiger if I wore the right boots. Lick as in "DESTROYAMIFY!", not "Moisten gently." Thank you that is all.

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oh rudie

yay, I can talk again! Although most of what I am saying is "snork." alas.

school was worth going to today, though. there was a scavenger hunt (which I didn't go to! sigh! but I was too zombified anyway, I spent the afternoon staring in to space for 3 hours. 3. hours.) and some of the teams had costumes and one team was dressed as pirates. ANYWAY, they wore their costumes all day, and in anatomy two of them snuck off in to the main room where the live lecture is and had a little pirate swordfight behind the instructor, who ignored them. BRILLIANT! Later I saw the pirate band trying (unsuccessfully) to sneak up on a squirrel.

I am having a weird food day. I have no apetite, so I can eat the most frivolous things. I had flat gingerale for breakfast, then cotton candy that someone was selling as a fundraiser, then cold cooked chicken for lunch. On the way home I drank some cold water, which made me severely sick to my stomach. what! hey! I have been eating like, fair food all day but it's WATER that makes me ill! So strange. Now I am having fruit snacks; I feel like if I could stay up until midnight I /might/ have the apetite for maybe half a dinner's worth of food.

Now that I write it down, it seems backwards to eat random things when I'm not hungry. Wouldn't it make more sense to fit them in to the cracks when I'm eating MORE food a day? But it's more like the power is out in the sensible 3-squares-a-day part of my brain, and everything in the miscellaneous column is being used as an emergency food wanting backup.

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Ahh, the melendy books are so great. I spent my sickly reading hours today reading the diamond age and then the saturdays, which, whoah. They both have 13 year old girls, but one takes over shanghai with an army of 300,000 orphan girls, and one.. uh.. gets a haircut. But such a /charming/ haircut.

I have laryngitis! I was being all whispery until I read in the BC health guide that you're not supposed to whisper when you have laryngitis either. Doh. I have an index card prepared for school tomorrow saying I HAVE LARYNGITIS TODAY. On the back in small letters it says I AM GOING TO KILL YOU NOW in case I run in to the friend that suggested that. I feel very murderous anyway. I so don't want to go to school, but if I miss stupid, stupid bio tutorial I lose like 12% in the course. Phooey! The alternative is leaving the house anyway to get a doctor's note, and then going to an extra tutorial later, which no thanks.

I should bring a tape player and some bizarre recorded monkey calls. If people look around to see who it was I can hold up my LARYNGITIS card. Sadly I am fresh out of recorded monkey sounds.

hermia - 2003-10-27 09:43:48
I don't want to hear you knockin' on Mona, kiddo...
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ow my nose

wahhh, I'm sick! this isn't fun!

I guess I'm glad it's today, and not yesterday during practice lab, or the day before, during the midterm. But mainly my feeling is that I would like to be translated to two dimensions and placed in an animated film to do battle with anthropomorphic giant bacteria and/or virus avatars, and run them through with swords and generally burninate them, and then the magical fairy will make me 3-D again and I AM ALL BETTER and it was an educational experience for everyone. Instead I am in the kleenex ads during the station breaks, and I'm the sad "Before" picture since we are all out of kleenex and fisherman's friends.

breana - 2003-10-26 14:34:34
Here's hoping Trogdor lives in your body and quickly burninates your germs without getting sworded by your viruses.
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